Chapter 6

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"Maybe this is good. Maybe whatever that is friendly. Or maybe it's just a really big container of candy and confetti for us. Like a piñata," Hunk said nervously. "Please let it be a piñata."

"Something tells me that's too much to hope for," Violet replied, peering at the large metal box standing still on the Balmera's surface. "I'm guessing this is some kind of weapon - it looks Galra. Shiro?"

"You're probably right," Shiro said from the black lion. "Paladins, get ready. Keith, form sword. Pidge, activate shield." The paladins did as told, forming a defensive stance.

Lance warned, "The piñata's moving!" It was, the front opening to reveal a large monster with green arms. It fired its chest laser at Voltron, which quickly maneuvered away.

The fight began; the monster's chest rays took powerful hits to Voltron's shield, which had to take the blasts to avoid the Balmera getting hit. Voltron tripped, losing its shield, and the lions disbanded, falling back to evasive maneuvers; however, the monster spread its arms and fired shots from individual tentacles.

"Keith, distract it - Shiro's coming in from above!" Violet called, and the red paladin moved his lion to the front of the monster; but its eyes rolled around its head and spotted Shiro, alternating blasts to both lions. Allura and the castle of lions tried to step in, but couldn't take the damage. Eventually, Shiro ordered everyone to fall back.  The lions dropped into the mine shafts dotting the planet's surface, out of the monster's reach.

Shay was waiting for them. "What's going on?" She asked as soon as Violet, Keith and Hunk emerged from their lions.

"Zarkon sent a robot to attack Voltron," Violet explained. "At first it looked like a piñata. But it's definitely not one. In case anyone was wondering."

"A robot?" Shay exclaimed. "How could we ever hope to defeat it?"

Hunk said, "Don't lose hope, Shay." The Balmeran's brow was still creased in worry, so he added, "Voltron can destroy it. Right, Keith?"

"I'm not sure. It's pretty tough," said Keith. Shay whimpered.

Violet stepped forward, putting a hand on the girl's shoulder. "We can defeat it," she said, casting an annoyed look at Keith. "Voltron is the only thing in the universe great enough to bring peace, but that doesn't mean everyone else has to sit back and relax. We win by working as a team - five units combining to form a better version of themselves. Every person who fights with us makes us stronger. Which is why we need you."

There was a beat of silence before Hunk said, "Wow, Vi. Do you just spout speeches like that all the time and we've never noticed? 'Cause that was pretty inspiring."

Violet blinked. "It's true. And never call me Vi again."

Shiro's voice came over their headsets. "Hey, did you guys feel that shaking?"

The ground was rumbling. "Yeah," Keith replied. "What's causing it?"

Shay's grandmother placed her hand against the ground, which caused it to still. "The Balmera," she answered. "The life is seeping out of it. Those tremors are its cries of pain." Her eyes closed, face somber. "Soon it will collapse, and we will all die."

Hunk blinked. "Um ... what? Then why are you still here? You should evacuate the planet!"

"Leave the Balmera?" Shay asked, eyes wide. "It might be broken, but it is our home. And we do not have anywhere else to go, nor ships big enough to hold every Balmeran. We are doomed."

"You might not have a big enough ship," Violet said, "But we do. Coran, do we have enough time to evacuate the planet before the core collapses?"

"I'm not sure," Coran replied. "We have a varga. Maybe less."

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