Chapter 3

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The lions flew from the castle, aiming for Shiro's escape pod. However, as soon as the pod was within range, a wormhole began to open in the middle of nowhere.

"What?" Allura gasped when she saw it. "How?"

"It must be Zarkon's witch," said Violet. "We have to get to that wormhole before it closes!"

"Put full power on thrusters," Keith ordered. "We can make it."

The pod put on a burst of speed, shooting through the wormhole. The lions were close behind, but the wormhole began to vanish immediately.

"It's closing! Normal wormholes don't close that fast!" Hunk yelled, panicked. "Thrusters are on max power - we're not going to make it!"

The wormhole was almost gone. An idea sparked in Violet's head, so crazy it could work. "Deform Voltron!" she ordered.

Keith turned to gape at her. "Huh?"

"The burst created by reverting back to the lions will push us towards the wormhole," Violet explained hurriedly. "We have to do it now!"

"But only the black lion will make it through," said Allura.

Keith looked to Violet, and she nodded silently. "Do it," he said.

Voltron disbanded, thrusting the black lion forward. Violet stared down the closing wormhole as if doing so could make them go faster. With less than an inch left of space, the lion slipped through the wormhole as it shut behind them.

"Phew," Violet muttered. The black lion then emerged to the heart of the Galra fleet, with multiple cruisers aimed straight at them with ion cannons primed to attack.

She blinked. "I retract my 'phew.' This is bad. This is very, very bad."

"We'll need to be quick," Keith said. "Evade, locate Shiro's ship and retrieve it."

"Got that done," Violet said, pointing to the small white ship flying into a hangar. "He's there. Now we just need to evade."

The ships began to fire. Keith started dodging the blasts, aiming for the ship Shiro's pod had gone into. There was a blast as the lion was hit, but Keith pulled the black lion into a nosedive. As he righted them, a ship pulled away from the others and began to pursue them - Acxa.

Keith did a flip with his lion, jumping over a cruiser and landing on Acxa's ship, jawblade at the ready.

"Don't," Violet said before he could rip apart the ship. His eyes flicked to hers, surprised.


Keith nodded, and they flew away. Shiro's pod had dislodged itself from the cruiser and was now speeding off, fleeing. Keith flew after it. "Listen to me, Shiro," he said. "I know you can hear me. I have no idea what's happening to you, but I'll get you out of it. We can-"

There was a click as the communication line was severed.

"He's not himself," Violet muttered. "There's something - controlling him, is my guess. Keith, we have to get him back."

"I know," Keith said, powering the thrusters more to speed up the black lion. They followed Shiro away from the Galra fleet to a tiny gray planetoid. Keith landed Blacky, and he and Violet exited with caution.

"This is a trap," Violet noted upon seeing Shiro's footprints on the dusty sand leading to a cavern. "There is literally no scenario in which this is not a trap."

"We don't have a choice," Keith replied. "Something is wrong with Shiro. The Galra or Lotor have to be behind it. You know he'd ever give up on us. We can't give up on him."

Brighter Than the Stars: A Voltron Fanfic (Keith X OC)Where stories live. Discover now