Excerpt: Voltron Vlogs

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"Is it on? I don't think it's on."

"Yeah, shouldn't we be able to see ourselves? I want to make sure I look good."

"It won't matter. No one will see this. There's really no point in it."

"Don't be a party pooper, Keith." The camera turned on. Three people faced it: a small girl with glasses, poking the screen; an older boy with dark hair, glaring at the person next to him, who'd been speaking.

"Did you guys get it set up?" A boy with an orange bandana came into view. "It looks like it's working."

"I don't know..." there was a shudder, and the camera toppled off a table, crashing to the floor.

"Pidge!" The black-haired boy yelled angrily.

"Ack, sorry!" There was shuffling, and the camera blinked off.

After a minute of silence, the blackness receded. The four teenagers from before were sitting together, a man with a metal arm standing between them. He looked to be the leader. "Hi," he said. "I'm Shiro, a Paladin of Voltron. This is Keith, Lance, Pidge and Hunk. Recently, Coran found an old recorder. We've all made video recordings that are stored here. This video was for our friend, Violet, to give a one, but..." he trailed off, and the five Paladin's faces fell. Keith crossed his arms, focusing on the floor.

Shiro cleared his throat and tried again. "Anyway, Lotor hasn't made a move in weeks and we're all bored, so we're going to be filling in for Vi while she recovers. How should we start?"

"Well ... Vi was a prisoner for the Galra before she escaped and joined us," said Lance. "She's been helping us since then in our fight. She's half-Altean, so she has the markings but normal ears, and she's super hot."

Everyone turned irritated looks on him. "You can't deny it," Lance defended himself. He added to the camera, "Vi's my friend, by the way. For some reason everyone who sees us seems to think we're together."

"Maybe it's because you go around telling everyone how you think she's hot," Pidge pointed out.

Keith stood. "You know what, this is getting nowhere. How about we each go one at a time?"

"That sounds good," said Shiro. "Pidge, you can start. Everyone up." He stood, the others following and leaving Pidge to face the camera.

"Okay ... I'm friends with Violet. We met when Keith brought her to the Castle of Lions," Pidge began. "We actually became friends later than that, though. I think ... the actual point where it happened was a little while after Sendak attacked the castle of planet Arus."

Pidge added, a guilty look passing over her features, "I'd actually planned to leave the team before that to search for my family. But ... after everything that happened, I realized that Voltron was my family. And I couldn't give that up." She smiled at the ground. "Vi found me that night, crying in my room. A lead I'd had on Matt, my brother, had just proven to be dead, and I had nothing else to go on.

"Vi and I talked for the better part of an hour. Then she revealed that she'd found Lance's diary while snooping in his room. It's pretty private, so all I'll say is that as much as he proclaims to hate Keith, he talks about him a lot." She grinned. "That was when Violet and I became friends. She's almost three years older than me, but I feel like there's no age difference at all. It's something about her. She understands us all on a really deep level. I ... I miss her."

Pidge looked up, her face fierce. "It's partly my fault that she got hurt. But I push away the grief, because I know Vi wouldn't want me to be torn up over her. If anything, it's driven me to continue the search for my family. They've been lost long enough." She reached for the camera and clicked it off.

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