Chapter 1

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On with the final part!

This season might be my favorite out of all of them, though season 6 is a close second. I once again used my terrible drawing app and redrew Luka, the Erythian pilot. 

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"Violet," Allura said, her brows furrowing, "You haven't moved for the past half varga."

Violet wasn't listening, but she mumbled, "Uh ... yeah. Definitely."

Allura frowned further. "Are you alright? I feel like you're not listening to me."

"Ask Shiro, he'll know."

The princess sighed heavily, then perked up. "My hair is on fire and Coran has gone crazy."

"Very nice."


Violet jumped. "Allura! What's wrong?"

"You've been staring at the Erythian for a long time with no movement," said Allura. "I know this must be a shock to you, but just standing here won't do anything."

Violet turned her gaze back to the Erythian. She was unconscious while her vitals restabilized, her eyes firmly shut, and she hadn't stirred. "But she might wake up, Allura. I have to be there if she does."

She felt a hand on her shoulder and blinked. "Shiro's holding a debriefing that should have started by now," Allura said gently. "You would be helpful there. I promise you, Violet, you will be the first person we contact if she wakes up."

Violet let out a breath. "Alright. I'll come."

She straightened and followed Allura out of the hallway, forcing herself to tear her eyes away from the Erythian.

Shiro was already speaking by the time they walked in. "A lot of time has passed since we started repairing the damage wrecked by Sendak on Earth," he was saying, "and this time tomorrow, we'll spread our efforts across the neighboring galaxies and liberate any remaining planets under Galra control."

"There aren't many left," Commander Holt added. "Sendak seemed to only want Earth, so he didn't try to conquer any other galaxies in the Milky Way, and the Galra haven't regrouped and found a new leader since his death."

Shiro nodded. "Have the worldwide defense bases responded?"

Keith said, "Armament facilities in the UK, Central Asia, Australia, Africa and South America have reported that they are fully restored from the invasion and prepared to face any kind of threat from aliens to an apocalypse."

"Good. What the status on the Atlas?" asked Shiro.

Veronica, standing to his right, checked her screen. "We finished improvements to the Atlas's offense protocols four days ago, and since then it's completed every systems check we've passed with flying colors," she reported, and grinned. "Pun intended."

Brighter Than the Stars: A Voltron Fanfic (Keith X OC)Where stories live. Discover now