Chapter 11

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Violet was leaving her room when the door a little ways across the halls opened and Keith walked out.

"So," he said. "Does Allura really think you're the reason Zarkon's tracking us?"

Violet laughed without humor. "You picked up on that, huh?"

"I'm pretty sure everyone is. But ... you have no idea what they did to you when you were their captive. Could it really be you?"

Violet said sharply, "It's not me, Keith. I know how the Galra work. This isn't their style. And I wasn't even a prisoner for that l-"

She cut off, clamping her lips shut. Keith blinked, watching her quizzically. "What?"

"Nothing," she mumbled. On that happy note, the doors opened and the two of them entered the bridge.

"Now that we're all here, we need to determine how Zarkon is tracking us," Shiro announced. "Does anyone have an idea?"

"I think it's me," said Keith. "I - I have this dagger. I've had it my whole life, and I think the Galra are tracking it somehow."

"It's not you," Violet said fiercely.

"Violet is right," Allura cut in. "If it is an object, we would've found out by now. It has to be one of us."

"Really? Who?" Hunk asked. "None of us have any correlation with the Galra."

"That's not exactly true, Hunk," Allura said, her gaze falling on Violet.

"I don't understand," said Hunk, still not getting it.

Violet's eyes narrowed. "It's simple," she said. "The princess thinks it's me."

"What? It can't be Vi! She's on our side!" Lance exclaimed, looking to Allura for confirmation. Allura's silence was answer enough.

"I know I have a suspicious past, but I know as much about it as you do, princess," Violet snapped. "I was a prisoner of the Galra. All I know is that I escaped."

"I don't believe that," Allura said, voice dark with challenge. "Why would no one retrieve you when you were captive? Why leave you to rot, forget about you, when you're an Altean? Why let you keep your weapons, your hood, your mask? And how could you escape? None of it makes sense." The princess glared at Violet. "How do I know that you're not a spy for them? You could be the reason Zarkon is tracking us, Violet. And how could we know any better, when we know nothing about you?

"Prove to me that you're trustworthy. Tell me the truth about what happened to you when you were a prisoner."

I can't. Allura was right - Violet wasn't telling her the truth. But how could she, when it would make everyone else look at her like the princess was now - like a monster?

I can't. 

"I can't!"

Allura's gaze was unforgiving. "She's right, princess," Keith said. "Violet's proven herself enough."

Allura didn't seem to hear him. "Tell me the truth," she shouted to Violet. "Stop lying!"

"I'm not lying!"

"Yes, you are! Are you even really Altean? Can you confirm that Zarkon is tracking us through you?"

Anger burned in Violet's gut. "What is wrong with you?" She yelled at Allura. "You're making speculations! I know I have a shady past, but that doesn't mean I'm not trustworthy! Alteans are supposed to be the most advanced, modern race in the galaxy. So how can you be so stupid? No wonder you all lost the war."

Brighter Than the Stars: A Voltron Fanfic (Keith X OC)Where stories live. Discover now