Part VII - One Year Later

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"The construction is on course," said Issabela. "With Commander Holt's blueprints and Coran to fill in the gaps, we've been able to recreate the Castle of Lions."

Violet nodded. The two of them were looking out over the construction site; the Castle of Lions was almost finished. Issabela, with her deep red markings, had proved to be an excellent engineer and had been a fundamental part of rebuilding Erythia. "You've made modifications as well?" she asked, and chuckled. "I'd rather not have the castle flying off in ship form when I'm trying to give a speech."

Issabela smiled. "The ship function has been removed," she confirmed. "We've also set up preparations for tonight, but it seems your friend is occupying the space."

Violet looked to where she pointed and laughed. Coran was standing in front of a group of Erythian children who were looking up at him with wide eyes. He was probably telling them about his yalmor-fighting days.

Her eyes caught on the statue of Allura before Coran, and her heart saddened. "The Castle of Lions won't feel the same without Allura," she said quietly. "It won't ever feel right for me to take her place."

Issabela placed a hand on her shoulder in comfort. The two had grown close once Violet had sought her out after the war, almost friends. Zoya was also Violet's friend, though it had taken her a while to get over the fact that she'd informed Allura of how to sacrifice herself. She knew Zoya didn't regret it.

"You're not taking her place," said Issabela gently. "You're honoring her. With the teludav in the castle, we've been able to provide a center for Erythia's core. Instead of the quintessence poisoning the earth, it's now held safely and effectively. But also ... this is what Allura would have wanted. To see you living happily. And restoring her people, which she loved so much."

"I never could've done it without Romelle," Violet pointed out. "She helped to find every Altean refugee who had survived the destruction of their planet."

"But you were the one who brought them back and gave them a home on Erythia." Issabela smiled broadly. "Alteans, Erythians and Galra used to be at war. Now we all share a planet. Erythia is home to three extraordinary species, and more are arriving every day. Erythians and Galra from across the galaxy are coming home, and they're bringing along the people they've lived with. Erythia is going to have a very unique culture, from so many different races." She sighed contentedly. "And we never could've done it without you, Violet. Our queen."

Violet looked down, her lips curling. She doubted that she'd ever get used to the title. Queen of Erythia and the Erythians. The last of the royal line - a girl who'd taken the throne after Honerva's destruction. Over the last year, she'd worked to bring together every Erythian from the far reaches of the universe, uniting her people once more. They had heard her call, and came to their queen. Now she'd have to lead them.

She didn't know if she could. But if there was one thing Violet knew from her time fighting with Voltron, it was that the only way to know was to try.

Violet turned to Issabela. "They're asking me to lead, and I'm doing the best I can. But I know I can't do it alone. I was thinking ... a council? I asked Zoya, and she agreed as well. I think Coran and Romelle would like the position too, as the Altean representatives." she held out her hand. "I could use a good engineer like you."

Issabela beamed. "I'd be honored." They clasped hands. Looking out at the castle, Issabela said, "You know, the Castle of Lions doesn't house lions anymore. Maybe you should rename it."

"True," replied Violet. "Maybe ... the Castle of Stars?" She turned to her friend. "For me, stars have always been a symbol of hope and unity. It's exactly what I want this palace to portray. Beyond that ... this place is where Honerva's dias once was. She stood here when she tore apart reality. It's fitting that it is now a palace of peace."

Brighter Than the Stars: A Voltron Fanfic (Keith X OC)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon