Chapter 1

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"Did you retrieve the sicline?" Lotor demanded as soon as Hunk, Pidge and Lance entered the room.

"I think the thing you should be saying right now is 'Oh, Lance, thank you so much for risking your butt to get my space metal,'" Lance shot back, scowling. He peered up at where Violet and Lotor stood on the raised platform above him, standing next to the shell of the ship they were constructing - the trans-reality ship.

"Oh, Lance, thank you so much for risking your butt to get Lotor's space metal," Violet said, grinning. "Couldn't've done it without you."

"We didn't mind," said Pidge. "The luminescence in the sicline is surreal! It almost made getting it worth it!" She frowned. "Almost."

"It's being transported here now," Hunk added. "We'll be in the lounge if you finish early. Pidge is gonna hook up her computer to the control system - we'll be able to watch the movies she has stored on her device. We're thinking a Lord of the Rings marathon, maybe a little Hobbit."

"Sorry, Hunk," said Violet, flashing him an apologetic glance. "I don't think we'll finish early at all today."

"Violet's right," said Lotor. "With the sicline, the trans-reality ship is mostly complete." He turned to smile at Violet, who returned the smile. She knew that Lotor had hopes for them being as close as they'd used to be, and she also knew that they never would. Violet was content being friends - she still wasn't sure if she'd forgiven him yet for taking her memories, but they she couldn't deny that the made a good team. It was aweing to build a ship that could travel between realities.

"We've done so much, and in such a short period of time," Lotor continued as Hunk, Pidge and Lance left the room. "I almost forgot - how smoothly we work together. Even my own generals have not been as fluid with me as you are."

"Yeah," Violet said, "But that's because of you. You trained me to fight flawlessly alongside you, to be your second half. You're the reason we're a team."

Lotor took her hands in earnest. "And it has paid off, has it not? I never forced you against your will, Violet. I never forced you to destroy villages and lay waste to cities. Please don't blame me for it."

"Maybe not, but you set me on that path," Violet said, and drew her hands away from his grasp.

"And you are stronger for it." Lotor met her eyes, gaze searching. "Would you really choose any other path - on Earth, sheltered by lies, when you're destined for so much more - over being here, fighting with Voltron and me?"

He was right, and Violet knew it. Even if she'd had a thousand chances, she'd still choose this path, every scar and drop of blood and broken bone. Because it had led her here - had given her this family, this exhilarating life. She wouldn't give up any of it. Not even Lotor.

"Fine," Violet muttered. "You're right."

Lotor's mouth quirked. "Apologies, Violet, but I didn't hear you - could you repeat that?"

"Oh, you heard me perfectly," Violet shot back, feeling a smile tugging at her lips. "Come on." She clicked the button on the platform they were on, and it began to lower to the floor.

Lotor's brows furrowed. "Where? The ship still needs work."

"We'll work on it when the sicline comes in," Violet said, turning back to him. "For now, I want to watch Frodo and the other Fellowship members in Lord of the Rings. It's been a long time since I've seen a good movie."

"A what?"

"What do you mean, 'what?' A mo-" Violet stopped, staring at Lotor. "You - you're never seen a movie before?"

Lotor scratched the back of his head. "Does the Galran soap opera my tutors dragged me along to when I was ten count?"

"That's it. You're coming with me," Violet said, and took his hand, dragging him towards the lounge.  

Brighter Than the Stars: A Voltron Fanfic (Keith X OC)Where stories live. Discover now