Chapter 3

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"I still don't understand how you think Zuko and Katara could be together," Violet said, holding the orange screen up to her face. "Zuko attacked her multiple times. And Katara and Aang kissed."

Keith shrugged. "I don't read much, but when I do, I have the tendency to put my hopes in pointless things."

"I'm glad you've come to your senses at that, at least," Violet retorted. "I need someone to talk to about books. Gets my mind off things."

Keith quieted. "Have you talked to him yet?"

She blew out a breath, resisting the urge to scrub her face. "I know he'll have that smug look on his face as soon as he sees me. I know he'll try to manipulate me - and everyone else - as soon as he gets the chance. He already has. He..." she couldn't bring herself to finish the sentence.

"He's just a ghost from the past," said Keith, his gaze reassuring. "He can't hurt you anymore."

"Ghosts can still haunt you," Violet said softly. "Even if you can't always see them." She blew out a breath. "What I'm most worried about are the others. They don't know what he does - how easily he does it. Lotor can see everything we try to hide. It's his greatest weapon."

"Maybe," Keith mused, "You should face him without hiding anything. Having something you don't want him to know is a disadvantage."

Violet blinked. "That's..." startlingly accurate. She'd always been hiding her doubts from Lotor when she worked for him, her feelings. But what did she have to hide now? She was with Voltron. She'd put Lotor behind her.

Keith's gaze darkened. "I hate the idea of him being anywhere near you and the others. It's like letting the enemy into the heart of your territory."

"You really hate him, don't you?"

"I'm just saying," said Keith, "That if he were to be hit and blasted to itty-bitty pieces by an ion cannon, I would be the one operating that ion cannon."

Violet grinned, but it faded. "As much as I want to, I can't hate him. I understand him more than anything. It creeps me out."

Keith's face softened. "He has no control over you anymore." There was a clang from Keith's end, and he looked towards it, glancing back at her with an apologetic frown. "I have to go. But comm me as soon as you're done with him, okay?"

Violet nodded. "Say hi to Kolivan for me."

The call ended, and Violet was left staring at a blinking orange screen. She sighed and stood from where she'd been leaning against the side of her bed, stretching. She was glad she and Keith had stayed close after he left Voltron, but she still missed him. The calls helped, though. They still had ignored their moment at Naxzela, when they'd been so close - to what, she didn't know.

She left her room and made her way to the bridge, where Allura and Shiro had gathered. "Are you guys going to see Lotor?"

"We've taken his advice on troop locations and targets," Shiro explained. "We'll see if there's anything else he can tell us."

Violet frowned. "Soon he'll start wanting something in return, you know. Lotor never gives for nothing."

Shiro nodded. The three of them made their way to the belly of the castle, where Lotor's cell was. He stood to greet them, but froze when he saw Violet. His lips curled into a smile.

"Violet. I was wondering when you'd come to see me."

Violet said nothing, only looked at Shiro. He stepped forward. "You were right."

"You act like that's unheard of," said Lotor. "Every target I've given you, you've hit without conflict. Everything I know about the Galra's weapons and armies, I've told you. And you still regard me with contempt."

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