Chapter 5

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The castle arrived at the Va'Kar quadrant, where they'd tracked Lotor to. However, it was a different Galra cruiser that they found, not Lotor's ship.

"He's definitely there, though," murmured Pidge. "Whatever Lotor is doing on that ship, it's not good."

Though she felt sick just to say it, Violet said, "Then we should check it out. This is our chance to stop Lotor before he can do anything worse than he already has."

Both Shiro and Keith spoke at the same time. "Alright, everybody," Shiro said, while Keith said, "Here's what we'll do." They both paused for an awkward moment before Keith stepped back. "You take this one, Shiro."

"Are you positive he should?" Violet asked, frowning. "No offense, Shiro, but Keith has experience with Lotor. He might be the best leader for this mission."

Keith said, "He should. I'll help you guys from the castle; Shiro can take Blacky."

With the mission set out, the paladins went to their hangars. However, Shiro didn't fly from the castle like the rest of them. "You good, Shiro? Where's the black lion?" asked Lance.

"You might have to be the leader for this, Keith," replied Shiro.

"What? Why? What happened?"

Violet couldn't detect any jealousy or irritation in Shiro's voice as he said, "Blacky shut me out. You must still be its paladin."

"I knew it!" Violet shouted. "I mean, you're a great leader, Shiro. You'll still be really instrumental at the castle."

"Yes, you always do seem to be right about everything, Vi," Keith said dryly. "Hold on. I'll be there in a second."

Soon, the black lion joined the others. "It's vital to find out what Lotor is up to on this mission," Shiro instructed. "You'll have to be stealthy. Be quiet and-"

There was a loud crash as Lance smacked into a rock pillar, causing it to burst apart. "Got it, Shiro. Quiet. Anything else?"

Shiro sighed. "Just ... be careful."

The group snuck aboard the cruiser. Violet began to feel heavy. The feeling worsened as they roamed the ship. It didn't hurt her, but it was strange and intense. She felt her breaths coming in quicker gasps.

Noticing, Keith asked, "Vi, are you good?"

"Not really," she replied. "I'm feeling something."

Lance grinned. "You mean your Altean senses are tingling?"

Violet had the urge to smack him upside the head. "More like crushing me. It's coming from that direction." She pointed to a path.

"I don't like saying this, but maybe you should go back," Keith said, concerned.

Violet rounded on him. "I'm fine. I won't slow you down."

He shook his head. "That's not what I meant. Vi, you just got your memories back in a storm, and before that you were turned into a mindless slave after entering a different reality. I don't want you to get hurt on this mission because you pushed yourself too hard."

"I have to do this, Keith," Violet replied, her voice intense. "Lotor is my problem. I have a score to settle with him, and I'm not going to just sit back and watch you all try to face him alone." She straightened. "And I'm not sick, or pushing myself too hard. I know my limits."

Keith sighed. "Alright." He looked at the group. "We're going straight towards the thing triggering Violet's tingly Altean senses, aren't we?"

"No doubt," said Lance.

Brighter Than the Stars: A Voltron Fanfic (Keith X OC)Where stories live. Discover now