Part VII - One Year Later

Start from the beginning

"The Castle of Stars," said Issabela. "I like it."

Violet shrugged. "I don't really mind what it's called. Castle of lions or stars, to me it will always be home."


That night, Violet stood in her room, preparing for the night. It would be the first time she and the paladins had spent time together in a year. She'd seen Keith throughout it, since he was working with the Galra to transition to Erythia, but counting today it would've been two weeks. She hadn't seen Lance in far too long, or Pidge - the two were on Earth together. And the rest of their group ... stars, she could barely wait.

Violet checked her reflection in the mirror. She was wearing her usual outfit - a blouse with puffed sleeves and long pants that let her move freely. Her arm cuffs and earrings accented her clothes, as well as the hair clip Keith had given her so long ago. Violet stared at the one last piece of jewelry on her stand.

Allura's circlet stood proudly, its teal jem shining in the bright light. Violet drew in a long breath. She hadn't been able to put it on since Allura's death - hadn't thought she deserved it. It had seemed like a joke, taking what had once been the princess's. But now ... she'd do it to honor her friend. Who had sacrificed everything for Violet and more.

Violet slid the circlet onto her forehead and smiled in the mirror. The gold gleamed against her skin, and in the light the circlet looked more like a crown.

From her window, there was a roar, and Violet rushed to peer through the glass. The breath left her when she saw the black lion landing next to the palace gates, and her face broke into a smile.

She had barely made it to the courtyard when Kosmo teleported on top of her in a shimmer of light. Violet fell back onto the soft earth, laughing as he licked her face ecstatically. "Kosmo! You're going to ruin my outfit for tonight!"

He climbed off her obediently, and she chuckled, smoothing out her shirt.

"Need a hand?"

She looked up.

Keith stood before her, his eyes bright, hand held out.

Violet couldn't stop the flashback, the second between blinks when his hand turned purple, fingers longer - Lotor's hand, the one that haunted her dreams. But the moment passed and she took his hand, letting him pull her to her feet.

Keith kissed her as soon as she regained her balance, and Kosmo wound around them. He drew away smiling, and said softly, "I missed you."

Violet stepped away, noticing Krolia and Kolivan standing a little ways off, hiding smiles. "I missed you too," she murmured.

He said nothing, eyes trained on her face. "You look ... different. In a good way. Like ... like a queen."

Violet laughed lightly. "I should hope so. The last time I checked, I was one."

"They're calling you the Queen of Light," Keith said. "The Galra seeking a new home on Erythia. A queen of light, with a kingdom of stars."

It was fitting. Her friends, her family, her people were her stars - and she was the sun.


"I mean, seriously, though, Earth has come a long way," said Pidge. "It's a hub for all alien activity now that my dad's stabilized his teludav technology. Not to mention the Garrison. With Lance as a new officer it's become an intelligent multiracial base."

"What can I say? The Garrison needed a pilot as skilled as me," Lance replied smugly.

Violet arched an eyebrow. "I keep a list of every planet's surface you've crashed onto flying your lion. It's alphabetized."

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