"Coran, that was one time!"

"Allura, on your left!" Violet yelled. The blue lion swerved to avoid another blast from the galra base's cannons.

"We can talk about cake later," Keith ordered. "For now, stick to fighting. Everyone, on me!"

The lions gathered and, as one, took out the cannon surrounding the base. "Good work," said Shiro. "We've taken over the outpost."

They exited their lions and entered the outpost, where a Galran official stood, held with his hands bound by Veronica and the MFE fighters. "This guy is the one in charge of the base," Veronica informed them.

Violet saw his face and blinked. "Hey, I know you," she said. "Where do I know you?"

The commander stared at her. "You."

She blinked as the memory hit her and cursed loudly, jumping behind Keith. "You know what, Keith, I think you were right about having a bad feeling about this."

The commander roared and tried to run at her, but Veronica held him in place. "How do you know Violet?" she demanded.

Violet cleared her throat. "Everyone, this is Warlord Lahn," she said. "I may have ... conquered ... him ... once. When I was sixteen." She coughed. "I challenged him to a duel, and when he accepted, I may have, um..."

"She cheated!" Lahn shouted angrily. "The little runt threw sand in my eyes!"

"I didn't cheat," Violet shot back, annoyed. "I used every ability at my disposal. Throwing sand in your face was my only option."

"It was dishonorable and against the rules," Lahn sneered. "Now you're back, are you? Come to take control of my fleet again?"

Shiro stepped in. "We didn't come here to fight," he said firmly. "Warlord Lahn, we're asking you to join the Voltron Coalition to help provide stability to the universe."

"Stability? You just attacked my outpost and blasted my cannons to bits!" Lahn yelled.

Lance shrugged. "He has a point."

"Look," Violet said, "I know we don't seem that reliable, but you're going to have to trust us."

"Never," Lahn hissed.

Violet threw up her hands. "By the stars- we're not your enemy. Get that through your thick skull!"

Shiro interrupted before Lahn could lunge for her again. "Warlord Lahn. Is there anything we can do for you to prove that we are trustworthy? Voltron is here to help. If you're in need of something, we can be of assistance."

Lahn subsided, but he hesitated before replying to Shiro. "Fifteen of my supply cruisers went on a mission to a neighboring base two deca-phoebes ago. They never returned and were presumed dead. Find them for me, and I'll be in debt to you."

Violet's eyes narrowed. "You don't think we can do it."

"My soldiers regard Voltron and all its lackeys as enemies, and rightfully so," Lahn replied. "They would never agree to make peace with you."

"I know," said Keith. "Which is why we're bringing you along."


"I'm running the signal now," said Pidge. "Lahn, if the ships are Klytax V-Threes like you said, this broadcast should make contact with them."

Lahn crossed his arms from where he stood inside the black lion. "I am Warlord Lahn, and you will address me as such."

Violet said from where she sat lounging on the floor, "Okay, Such."

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