Chapter 35

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Shuri turned to her and smiled, "What can I do for you?"

Kira took a deep breath before requesting, "Is it possible for me to speak to Zemo?"

Shuri was shocked, "Does this have something to do with the baby?"

Kira nodded, "I lied about there not being anything abnormal about the pregnancy. And I know Zemo is knowledgeable about super soldiers. I just had some questions for him."

Shuri cupped her hands together as she rested her hands on the desk, "James will kill me if he finds out" She sat there for a moment pondering her next move. "Alright," she slammed her hands on the desk as she stood up, "But you only get 10 minutes and I won't do this again"

"Thank you" Kira responded, a bit shocked. She was almost certain Shuri was going to turn her down. She was grateful, but 10 min was going to be tough to work with; if Zemo even wanted to talk at all.


"10 minutes" Shuri confirmed as she unlocked the door

Kira walked in as the door buzzed and shut behind her. There was just a few feet of space between the door and the actual cell. She took deep breaths to calm herself as she approached the cell. There was a man sitting on his cot, reading a novel. He paid no attention as she got closer.

"Zemo?" she asked, her voice was shaky.

He made no attempt to acknowledge her or reply as he continued reading.

She let out a small sigh before continuing, "I just had a few questions regarding super soldiers"

He snapped his book shut. That seems to have gotten his attention. He looked up at her, squinting his eyes as he took her in. "Everyone seems to think I have all the answers when it comes to super soldiers" he replied

"Well, you were heavily involved with them," she commented. "Perhaps you might know of any instances where a super soldier had a....." she stopped, having second thoughts about this. Maybe talking to him was a mistake.

"Had what?" he asked as he stood up

But if he had answers, she needed them. She gulped as she finished her sentence, "a child"

Zemo walked over, standing in front of her in his cell. He looked her up and down before responding, "You're not a super soldier"

She shook her head no

He tilted his head, processing all the variables, "It's been far too long since the flag smashers were dealt with and I only know of 2 super soldiers who are still living and capable. One is already in a relationship. So that leaves James. And if I had to take a guess, I would say that you are carrying his child" He gave a cocky smile as he concluded his deductions.

Kira was baffled. She had hardly said anything and yet he already knew everything. He was intimidating, to say the least, but she needed answers. 

"Is the super soldier serum inheritable? Are their complications in pregnancy? Are you able to answer those types of questions?" she asked

Zemo walked back to his cot and sat down, "I don't think I can help you"

Frustrated, Kira retorted as she glared at him, "Cant? Or Won't?"

Zemo's lips curved into a smirk as he looked at her, "I can see why he likes you."

She huffed, he was unbelievable and she wasn't getting anywhere with this conversation.

He opened his book as he spoke, "I can say this, however, if the child you are carrying is a super soldier, it will be more valuable than James ever was as The Winter Soldier"

"What makes you say that?" she questioned

"Because the next generation has always been and will be better than the previous one." He quoted just as the door buzzed.

Kira left the cell, confused about what just happened. She ended up with more questions and no answers.


That night, Kira tossed and turned. Every time she closed her eyes there was blood, blood everywhere. Bucky was still out on a mission so she cuddled up against the pillows, alone in the big bed. Tears fell from her eyes as she sobbed into the pillow. She didn't understand why this was happening. These visions she kept seeing, they were images of people Bucky had killed as The Winter Soldier. Headshots, dismembered bodies, people begging for their lives...

She cried out as the pain in her head started increasing; it was intense, worse than any migraine. "Make it stop.." she whimpered as she rocked back and forth in the bed, "please just make it stop" 


PLEASE NOTE: the following chapter (36) is MATURE CONTENT. Should you wish to skip the SMUT, the story will continue in chapter 37

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