Chapter 6

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(NOTE: a few new characters making an appearance in this chapter. They are OCs)

Kira pushed the folder down and closed the filing cabinet drawer. She looked over as another woman came rushing over. "Finally! Today is over. I wasn't sure this day would eeeevvvver end" the woman screeched

Kira laughed at her co-worker, Emily, and asked "You have any plans for the weekend?"

"Not really. No. I just enjoy my time off." the woman skipped around to another filing cabinet, "What about you?"

Kira frowned, "Unfortunately I'm catching up on hours from visiting Sam and Sarah last weekend."

"That sucks, how is Sam?" Emily eyed Kira suspiciously.

Out of the corner of her eye, Kira recognized the infamous nosey look from her friend. She waved a folder in front of Emily and replied, "How many times do I have to tell you. I'm not into Sam."

"Riiigghht" Emily winked playfully but straightened up as she looked over the counter. Kira noticed the change and looked in the same direction Emily was.

"Shit.." Kira whispered.

"Ladies. Getting ready to clock out I see?" a handsome man walked up. Kalvin  Moreno. Sporting a nicely trimmed suit and tie, he leaned on the counter. He adjusted his shoulders and pulled his arm out to look at his watch. Combed back short brown hair. Bright green eyes. Fit. Tall. Rich. He was one of the most sought after bachelor's in town. But man was he an arrogant ass.

"I wanted to catch you before you snuck out Kira" he smirked, eyeing her up and down.

Kira internally screamed and looked at her friend. Emily gave her a 'do I need to stay?' look and Kira shook her head no and whispered, "I'll be fine"

Emily grabbed her bags and started walking off before yelling, "No means NO!"

Kalvin huffed, clearly annoyed by the outburst. Kira walked around the counter and crossed her arms over her chest to greet him.

He tilted his head and gave a leer grin, "There's a show tomorrow night. I have tickets for us. I'll pick you up after work"

Her breath hitched.. He had asked her out before but this was too forceful. "Tomorrow night?" she coughed, "I cant"

He rolled his eyes, pulling his jacket sleeves down, "And why can't you?"

No means no. She reminded herself. She doesn't have to give an excuse... "I have company over. A family friend is staying." She gulped, mentally shaking her head at the lame excuse, but hoped he would buy it. Technically, it was true..

"Heh" he scoffed, "Kira. quit making up excuses. You don't even have any family."

Her eyes widened and she snapped, "Excuse me! It's one thing to not accept my response because I don't want to go out with you but to be so disrespectf-"

He cut her off "This isn't a time to dramatic"

She clenched her fists, he infuriated her.

"Can I help you?" Kalvin annoyingly glared over to someone who walked up behind Kira.

Irate from the situation, Kira looked over her shoulder to see... "Bucky?" she yelped surprised

"You know this guy?" Kalvin snorted as he squared up to Bucky

"What are you doing here Bucky?" Kira asked but he didn't look at her. His glare was on Kalvin.

"I was around. Thought I would catch you when you got off work so we could ride home together." Bucky responded to her but not taking his eyes off Kalvin.

"Oh I see," Kalvin laughed, "a handsome stranger swooping in to defend the damsel. How noble"

Bucky took his metal hand out of his pocket and pulled Kira's arm to get her behind him. He moved to stand directly between her and Kalvin. "I think it's time for you to leave," Bucky ordered.

Kalvin straightened his jacket, his gaze fully engrossed on the metal hand. He took a deep breath and gritted between his teeth, "Fine" and with that he turned and headed out of the building.

The walk to the car was silent..

"Thank you..." Kira began till she noticed Bucky had stopped walking. She turned to face him. His eyes were piercing with a stern expression.

'How long?" He asked

"What?" she questioned back confused.

"How long has that been going on?" He stared at her.

She closed her eyes, exhaled loudly and then looked down at the ground. "It started a few months ago. I don't really know what happened. But he ran into me and has been fixated on going out ever since."

"And nothing has been done to stop him?" Bucky added, anger in his tone.

"Stop him? Bucky, he owns the facility I work out of. Hell, he probably owns a quarter of this city!" Kira pleaded, unsure of how this turned into an interrogation against her.

He reached up and rubbed his temples, "I'm sorry. When I walked into the building and saw how he was treating you...I wanted to punch that smug look off his face"

Kira let out nervous laugh. "Well, thank you for intervening. And I appreciate the sentiment. Now let's get home before anything else happens this evening." She turned back to the parking lot.

Back at the house, Bucky pulled a beer from the fridge and sat in a stool at the counter across from Kira. She started pouring a glass of wine, "I don't know why I'm pouring a glass. "She laughed to herself, "I might as well drink straight from the bottle after today's events"

Bucky put his glass down and Kira looked over. His face was serious again.

"Is everything okay?" she slowly asked, trying not to make him mad.

His fingers tapped on the bottle for a minute as he stared at her. "What did he mean by, you don't have any family?"

"Oh that...? You heard that?" she fiddled with some hair that was dangling by her face. She sat the wine bottle down and pulled up a stool. "Alright, here it goes," she exhaled deeply, "I'm adopted." She pointed over to the mantel, "That's probably why you thought Aaron was my boyfriend. Because we look nothing alike."

Bucky recalled the incident and nodded, not wanting to interrupt.

She continued, "I don't know my biological parents. I was adopted into the Sieno family when I was only an infant. A year after I was adopted, there was a fire. Only Aaron and I got out alive. We ended up in custody under a distant aunt who lived in Louisiana. She raised us for a while and then one day she just passed suddenly to an illness.. At that time, Aaron was old enough to stand as my guardian. So he took care of me till I was legally able to live on my own. Aaron was great but he was so ready to live his life. He moved out of Louisiana and found a place in California. I was 22 when I got the call about his accident..."

She was looking down at her wine glass. "So it's just me. God I'm sorry." she wiped the tears falling from her eyes. She glanced up to check on Bucky but he wasn't sitting across from her anymore. Two strong arms circled around her shoulders pulling her back. Bucky rested his head in the nook of her neck as she closed her eyes and leaned back into his chest. "You have nothing to apologize for doll" He whispered in her ear. 

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