Chapter 21

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Kira slouched in the chair, swiveling side to side. Work was so slow today and Emily was off on some cruise for the week. She let out a huff, blowing some hair out of her face. "Well, this is boring," she told herself. She wondered how Bucky was doing in D.C...

Just then, someone walked around the corner. She quickly sat up to compose herself. She gave a nervous smile, hoping they didn't notice her taking a break. "What can I help you with?" she asked

"I'm looking for Kira." he told her

"Oh? I'm Kira." she responded

"Well, that makes my job easier," he laughed. "I just came to deliver a message."

She nodded, waiting to hear what he had to say

"Kalvin asked to see you in the conference room upstairs" he stated

She groaned. At least this time she could legitimately tell him she was seeing someone.

"Right now.." the man added, "Oh and he specifically requested for you to bring your phone"

She rolled her eyes as she grabbed her phone. She made her way up the stairs up to the conference room and stood outside the door. She sighed. This had better be work related.

She pushed the door open and walked in. He was sitting down. The chair was turned around, facing out the window. "You wanted to see me, Kalvin?," she asked.

She jumped when the door behind her suddenly slammed shut. She jolted around to see some strange man blocking the door and holding a gun...SHIT! He was holding a gun across his chest. She gulped and looked around. There were two more armed men hiding in the corners.

"Kalvin...?" she whimpered

She looked back over as the chair turned around. Panic took over. That wasn't Kalvin.

"Come. Have a seat, Kira" the man gestured to the table, "We have some things to discuss"

Her body was shaking. This was bad. Very bad. Slowly, she walked over and sat in the chair across from him.

"I trust you brought your phone?" He eyed her. She nodded

"Great. Take it out and put it on the table." he ordered. She did exactly what he said.

Kira was terrified. She had no idea who this man was or what he wanted. She gulped. Was he after Bucky? Oh god..

The man pulled out a folder, flipping through papers. "My sources say you're a good friend of Captain America" he stated

"What?" she choked. This was about Sam?!

He tossed some photos on the table. Kira looked down. They were images of her and Sam. Her eyes darted through the photos. These were taken back at the charity event. She remembered this moment; She had just walked up to the booth and Sam greeted her with a hug.

"I'm sorry," Kira breathed, "I think you have the wrong idea. Sam and I aren't romantically involved"

He snorted, "Oh I already know that," tossing another photo on the table, "you're like family"

She gasped. She hadn't seen this photo since before her brother died. They were all together, hanging out on the docks, Her, Sam, Sarah, and Aaron. Her lips quivered in fear as she looked up at the man, "What do you want?" she asked

"It's simple really," he tilted his head towards her phone, "Why don't you call Sam and we can let him in on this."

Tears swelled up in her eyes as she glanced down at her phone.. She didn't want to do this to Sam. She looked back up at the man, "No.." she whispered.

He grinned at her defiance. "I don't think you understand," he motioned for something, "You're part of the negotiations. Now, I'm not going to kill you. But I'm not opposed to hurting you."

She let out a small cry as two of the armed men came to stand on either side of her.

"Now, call Sam" the man ordered

Her hands were shaking so bad she could barely grasp the phone. She unlocked it and pulled up her contacts. She scrolled down to Sam Wilson and looked back up.

He nodded, "Leave it on the table and make sure it's on speaker"

She let out a quivering breath as she pressed the call button.

It rang...and rang. Oh god, what if he doesn't even pick up?

"Hey!" Sam answered

She was holding her breath, trying not to burst into tears. She glanced back up at the man.

"Kira?" Sam's voice again

The man pointed down at the phone.

"S..s...sam" she breathed out.

Suddenly there was a hand on her head. She screamed as they dragged her out of the chair by her hair. She tried to fight her attacker but her hands were quickly bound behind her back. Just as she was about to scream again. Everything went black. 

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