Chapter 32

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Bucky carried Kira all the way back to the house. He didn't let go till they reached the porch. And when he did, he pulled her close and gave her a deep kiss on the lips. "Mhm do you need anything?" he asked as he pulled away.

She smiled at him, "I think I'm just going to get changed before dinner"

After Kira got changed, she found Sam sitting on the porch by himself. Sam noticed her walk out and patted the empty seat beside him. She sat down breathing in the refreshing outdoor air.

"So you and Bucky are getting pretty serious?" Sam stated but had more of a question in his tone

She blushed from his comment, not expecting to have this conversation right off the bat, "Uhm yeah. He moved in with me a few weeks ago."

Sam sighed, "I'm afraid one of these days, he's going to tell me he's retiring."

She looked at him, surprised by his words, "Sam he's your partner, he's not going to leave you."

Sam smiled at her, "But he would for you" he chuckled and added, "HELL I would. If I had someone I loved. Plus he's been through so much shit. He deserves some happiness in his life"

"You're important to him too" she mentioned before Sarah called him inside to help with dinner.

A few minutes after Sam went inside, Bucky came out and sat down beside Kira. Her heart was racing. She didn't know what to say to him. She still felt bad about the training earlier and she was also embarrassed about her emotional breakdown in front of him.

"I overheard you and Sam talking," Bucky said, interrupting her thoughts.

She gulped, now she had to worry if she said anything bad, "I hope I wasn't out of line with anything"

Bucky leaned back and put his arm out on the bench behind her, "I've been thinking a lot about us lately"

Now she was really nervous. She looked at him concerned, "What about us?"

Bucky stared at her for a moment before replying, "Maybe I am ready to settle down"

"Oh" She was shocked. Bucky was ready to settle down? She paused for a moment, trying to figure out what to say, "Bucky" she started, "and don't take this the wrong way but, you're a super soldier. That's not something you just give up."

He rubbed his chin, deep in thought.

"And you don't have to worry about me," she added as she put a hand on his knee, "I know what I signed up for."

Suddenly her head was throbbing. She winced as she rubbed her temples.

Bucky leaned forward, "are you okay?"

She shook her head no. It was really hurting. "I think I need to go lay down," she whispered

"Here, come on" Bucky said as he supported her arm and helped her stand. He wrapped his arm behind her and guided her into the house and back to her room. He pulled the sheets back and let her get in bed. "I'll be right back with some water" he said as he planted a small kiss on her forehead.

Her eyes were getting heavy as she watched him walk out of the room. She relaxed her head into the pillow and fell asleep.

She was desperately trying to run away, escape. But hands grabbed her arms, dragging her back into the room. She tried to scream and call out for help but nothing came out. They forcefully threw her back against a hard chair. Straps tightened around her wrists, one went around her neck, and another on her forehead. She fought as hard as she could against the restraints. They shoved something in her mouth. And then the searing pain of an electric shock violently attacked her body

"AHHHH" she screamed out.

Someone was shaking her "KIRA. KIRA"

Her eyes shot open as she saw Bucky hovering over her. Her hands swung up and clutched his shirt. She was panting, her heart was racing and her body covered in sweat.

"It's just a dream" Bucky whispered as he held her shoulders, "It's just a dream. I'm right here"

She nodded as tears streamed down her face. No, that was a nightmare. A very real nightmare.

"I think I'm going to be sick" she mumbled as she pushed him back. Bucky followed as she ran out of the room and down the hall to the bathroom. Kira shut the bathroom door to keep him out as she went to the toilet and threw up.

Sam was already in the hall when Bucky reached the bathroom.

"What happened" Sam asked as he walked closer

"She had nightmare" Bucky responded

Sam gave Bucky a concerned look, "Has this happened before?"

"No" Bucky replied in a stern voice as he stared at the closed door, listening for her.

Sam leaned over and spoke just above a whisper, "Do you think the training triggered something?"

Shit. His fists clenched. He didn't even think about that. All he wanted to make sure she would be safe and to think that he might have done the complete opposite. He watched as the door opened and Kira came out slowly, shaking. He wrapped his arms around her and pulled her in close. "I'm so sorry," he whispered against her head.

Sarah came down the hallway and asked , "Is everything okay?"

Sam turned to her and answered, "I think Bucky just needs to get Kira home. And maybe get her to a doctor." he directed that last part at Bucky.

Sarah looked at Bucky, "It's already 11pm, are you sure you want to head out this late?"

"It won't be a problem" he responded and then asked Kira, "Do you want to go home now?"

"I think I should go home," she whispered into his chest. She felt absolutely miserable and just wanted to curl up in her own bed and cry. 

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