Chapter 30

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Kira stood in the kitchen, drinking some coffee as she watched Bucky exercise outside. It had already been a few weeks since Bucky returned and essentially, moved in. She remembered back to the first morning when she woke up alone..


Kira rolled over, reaching her arm out across the bed. Nothing. Empty sheets. She sat up, frantically looking around. "Bucky!" she called out. "Oh my god" she bolted out of bed and ran down the hallway. "Bucky! Please please be here"

She saw a figure outside and ran out the backdoor. Bucky turned around, grinning at the site. She breathed heavily, "Shit, you scared the hell out of me."

Bucky tilted his hide to the side, eying her up and down, "You were looking for me?" He bit down on his bottom lip and chuckled

"I thought you had left," she said angrily, "What is so funny about that?"

He started walked over with a big smirk on his face, "You came out here, naked"

Her eyes widened. "OH MY GOD," she swung her arms up trying to cover her chest, "I panicked!"

He grabbed her waist and pushed her back against the door, whispering in her ear, "Well, let me show you that I'm still here."

"Bucky!" she squeaked, "we are not having sex outside"

He shrugged, "I don't mind but your neighbors might get a little jealous." He kissed her neck, "I am in need of a shower though..."
~end flashback~

Kira shook the image away. Couldn't believe she had run outside completely naked. God, she was so embarrassed.

Bucky shoved his phone in pocket as he walked into the house. "Good morning doll" he said as he walked into the kitchen and planted a kiss on her forehead.

"Good morning handsome" she replied with a soft smile on her face

"I need you to pack a bag for the weekend." he casually stated as he opened the cabinet beside her and reached for a cup.

She put her coffee cup down on the counter as she asked, "A bag? What are we doing?"

He pulled a cup out and replied "We are going up to Sarah's"

She raised an eyebrow at him, "Oh? And since when do you make plans at Sarah's house?"

He walked over and placed the cup in the water dispenser on the fridge, "Since I just got off the phone with Sam, asking if we can use the area for training."

She tilted her head, curious of what he had going on, "Training? Are you Sam getting ready for something?"

"Not Sam," He turned and grinned at her, "You"

"Me?!" she yelped as she pointed to herself.

He laughed as he pulled the full cup out, "Yes. I'm going to train you"

She squinted her eyes at him as she continued pointing to herself, "What do I need training for?"

He took a few drinks before adding, "It will just be a few basic moves and I would like for you know how to shoot a gun"

She shook her head, "Bucky I don't even own a gun"

He rubbed some water off his chin as he pointed his cup towards the hall, "You do now. It's in your dresser"

Her eyes widened, "You put a gun in my dresser??"

He downed the rest of his drink before admitting, "Actually there's an arsenal of weapons in the bottom drawer"

She crossed her arms, "What on earth?"

Then he gave her a serious look as he put his cup down on the counter, "I need to know that you'll be safe when I'm not here"

She looked down.. He was right. There was no sense in arguing with that. She did need to be able to protect herself when he wasn't here.

"Alright," she looked back up at him as she grabbed her coffee, "when do we leave?"

"Early tomorrow" he responded

"Okay. but not before 5am" she retorted

He chuckled, "Fine. We will leave at 5am"

"Ooff. That's on me." she huffed, "Fine! But I'm getting up at 5am and we can leave after I get ready"

"Fine," he smiled at her

"And I'm sleeping the whole way," she added before sipping her coffee and walking out of the kitchen.

He licked his lips as he watched her walk down the hallway. Even in her loose fitting pjs and hair up in a messy bun, she was absolutely beautiful. Plus her attitude was kind of cute and she wasn't afraid to speak her mind to him. They really did pair well together and he loved it.

Kira placed her coffee down on the nightstand when she got in her room. She reached under the bed, pulled her suitcase out and tossed it on the bed.

Bucky walked in "You're packing right now?" he asked curiously

"Oh honey" she gave him a smirk, "you have a lot to learn about women and traveling"

He smiled as he dragged his hand down his neck, "at least make sure to pack comfortable clothing for the training sessions. Nothing too loose or too tight"

"Yes Sir" she commented in a playful tone as she walked into her closet. Well, 95% her closet. Bucky didn't have much when he moved in, so he got a small little section at the front for his clothes.

"Its only 2 days," Bucky commented as he leaned against the doorframe watching her flip through shirts and outfits, 

She glared over at him, "and?"

He put his hands up defensively, not ready to face the wrath of a woman who was packing 10 outfits for the weekend.

"Not those" he commented as she pulled a pair of pants off a shelf

"What's wrong with these?" she pouted as she held up them up against her body

"They're uhm" He averted his eyes, "too tight"

"Too tight?" she gave him a curious look, "they're just yoga pants. I'm bringing them"

He groaned as he reached up and grabbed his backpack. It's not like he hadn't trained or sparred with a woman before. But Kira was different; she was his woman and he was going to have a terrible time concentrating if all he could think about was her curves.

Kira went into the bathroom to grab some toiletries. She opened up the cabinet and pulled out her feminine products. She took a deep breath. Her period is supposed to come today. Right? It's only been a few weeks, it wouldn't be possible to be pregnant this soon? Or is it?  Her heart started to race. Should she bring this up to Bucky before training?

She composed herself as she walked back over to her suitcase and decided to give it some more time. They could talk about it tomorrow.

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