Chapter 31

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Bucky laughed to himself as he looked over at Kira. She wasn't kidding when she said she was going to sleep the whole drive.

"Hey doll," he nudged her, trying to get her to wake up, "We are almost there"

"Mhm" she grunted as she gripped her blanket tighter.

Bucky pulled the car into the driveway at Sarah's house. Kira stirred when she felt the car shift into park. She stretched her arms out and yawned.

"After those 6 hours of sleep, you should be well rested for a full day of training," he teased.

"When are we starting?" she asked, her eyes adjusting to the light.

"As soon as Sam gets here" he responded as he got out of the car.

"Soooo now?" she groaned as she saw Sam waving from the walkway. She got out of the car and waved back with a half smile

Sam jogged down to the car. "It's nice to see your face man" he beamed as he greeted Bucky.

"Yeah. Sorry. I didn't come see you sooner," Bucky apologized.

Sam patted him on the back, "We're good. I'm just glad you're okay."

Sam gave Kira a hug as soon as she walked up. "You look like you just got out of bed," he commented.

Bucky laughed, "She did not want to wake up this morning."

Sam noticed her flushed cheeks and put the back of hand against her forehead, "You're a little warm Kira. Are you feeling alright?"

Bucky's smile faded as he looked at her, he hadn't noticed till now. She did look a little pale.

Kira shook her head and smiled at them. "I'm fine guys. Really. Just super exhausted today"

"Why don't you go get some water inside and Bucky and I will get the stuff out of the car" Sam stated as he ushered her towards the porch.

"Alright" she let out a little laugh

Sam walked with Bucky back to the car and asked, "Is she alright?"

Bucky looked back over his shoulder at Kira as he responded, "She was perfectly fine yesterday and didn't act like anything was wrong when she got in the car this morning"

Sam nodded, "well let's just give her a little bit and then we can work on her training"

Sarah gave Kira a big hug when she got inside. "Oh Kira! I am so happy to see you. I can't wait to show you these new wines I got last week!"

Wine? Alcohol? Oh no. It was one thing to have to think about talking to Bucky about her period being late but it was another to have to tell Sarah too. Maybe the stress and anxiety was making her feel unwell today. She wasn't sure but she was kind of panicking inside. It's not that she didn't want kids with Bucky but the uncertainty of it all was a bit overwhelming.

"Kira" Sarah said as she looked at her, "do you need to lie down? You look a little under the weather today"

Kira laughed nervously, "Sorry, I was just spacing out. Haven't quite woken up yet. I'll definitely be needing some wine later tonight!"

(that afternoon)

Kira raised her forearm up to block a punch from Bucky.

"That was better, " he commented, "but you need to make sure your feet are planted on the ground"

She huffed, "Bucky if I'm getting attacked, I'm not going to be thinking about my feet"

"Again" he ordered as he stepped back.

She shook her head and put her hands back up in the defensive position Bucky taught her.

He swung a punch at her and she blocked it again with her forearm. Only this time, Bucky reached out and grabbed her arm. He forced her body to turn as he twisted her arm around to her back and pulled her up against him.

She breathed heavily as she found her back pressed up against him. She definitely was not expecting that.

"So now I've got you in this hold. What do you do?" he asked as his other arm wrapped around her waist.

"I could headbutt you" she stated

"Yes. That's one option but not always feasible. What else?" He quizzed.

She replied, "Uhm...I could stomp on your foot as hard as possible and try to break out of your hold"

He nodded as he released her, "okay let's take a break"

They both walked over and sat down on the trunk of a nearby tree that had fallen down.

Bucky sighed as he broke the silence, "If you didn't want to do this training, you could have just told me"

Her brows furrowed at his remark, "What?"

He let out a deep breath, "Its just...I can tell you haven't been into this at all"

Oh no. She had been too distracted by her own thoughts today, she didn't realize it was messing up the training session he planned. "Bucky, it's not about the training. Well, I mean, it kind of is, but not really." God, she wasn't making any sense.

He gave her a soft smile, "I'm sorry. I forgot you weren't feeling that well either. Maybe today was just a bad day"

Her eyes started to water. She didn't mean to mess up his plans today. Her hands covered her face as she burst into tears, "I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to make you upset about the training!"

"Oh hey, doll" he pulled her against his chest and embraced her, "I'm not upset." he stroked her hair as she sobbed, "Just next time tell me if you don't want to do something. Why don't we call it for now and let you get some rest"

She nodded her head against his chest

"Come on let's head back to the house" he picked her up bridal style and headed to the path

"Bucky. It's like a half a mile, I can walk" she protested as she wiped the tears from her face.

He shook his head, "I got you sweetheart"

Those words made her heart flutter. He said that every time he picked her up; it made her feel so warm, so happy, and so safe in his arms. 

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