Chapter 2

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It was early morning, still dark outside. Kira made her way downstairs to the kitchen and turned on the coffee maker. Quietly, she made a cup of coffee and headed outside to the porch. Taking a deep breath of the fresh air she walked over to the corner post and stared out to the trees.

A loud thud came from beside her. She jolted causing her coffee to spill "Holy shi-" she blurted out as she looked up, meeting soft blue eyes.

"I am so sorry" Bucky pleaded with his arms pressing out to ease her "I didn't mean to scare you"

She gave a nervous laugh, "goodness.." she put a hand on her chest to calm down, " I was not expecting you. Or that" she motioned to the roof he jumped from and the floor he landed on

He looked away, a bit embarrassed and shook his head, "I just... It's early and normally no one else is awake. I just wanted to make sure everything was okay"

He turned back toward her "Are you okay?" he asked gently.

She smiled and her breathing went back to normal "Yes I'm fine. I just don't get to see this beautiful scenery very often. So I try to enjoy it while I can"

"It is beautiful" He agreed without looking away from her

She blushed and bit down on her lower lip. She put her coffee cup down on the railing. Trying to change the subject she asked "Are you always up and about this early?"

He walked a little closer to her and leaned his lower back against the railing, "Sometimes. Sleep isn't exactly easy for me"

She shifted her body towards him and tilted her head to observe his facial features. He caught her stare and her breath hitched. He smiled, "But I'm used to it. Besides," he shrugged, "I don't know how anyone can share a room with snoring Sam."

Kira laughed. His smile grew as he laughed with her. He turned around, facing out to the trees with his elbows leaning on rails. "So you and Sam grew up together?"

She nodded, "Yep. Our families were close"

He put his hands together and looked over at her, "Your license plate says Texas"

She leaned her right elbow on the rail and squinted at him, "Observant or nosey?"

Bucky smirked and mirrored her pose, moving his body to face her and putting his left elbow on the rail. "A little bit of both," he replied.

She smiled and brushed some hair behind her ear, "Well, I just wanted different things and ended up in Houston. It's been good to me. And not too far to come back and see old friends"

"You and Sam are pretty close" He stated more as a question as he raised his eyebrows.

She shook her head and smiled, "Sam and I are close. But it's not romantic if that's what you're thinking." She gave a little laugh, "He definitely fits the protective older brother role."

They locked eyes for a moment.

Embarrassed, Kira averted her eyes before countering him, "and you and Sam are close?"

"Well" he began as his lips curled up in a smirk, "It's not romantic if that's what you're thinking."

Kira burst into laughter, "That's definitely NOT what I was thinking. Oh wow!" She wiped under eye, "I think you made me tear up on that one" she laughed a little more.

His face lit up with a big smile. He loved her laugh. Her smile.

"What I meant was," her laughter soften as she composed herself, "are you and Sam close friends?"

Bucky looked over to the trees, the sun rising every so slightly, "He's a good guy. He's helped me through some stuff. I think we get along pretty well"

Kira perked up, "Oh hey, speaking of getting through stuff. My house is always open if you need a place to stay while you're on missions. It's not much but I always extend a helping hand to friends of Sam." She motioned over to his coat pocket and he raised his eyebrows in question.

"Your phone. Do you mind?" she asked.

"Oh" he nodded as he pulled out his phone and handed it to her, "You sure you're okay with inviting a stranger to your house?"

She started typing some stuff in his phone and smiled, "I can take care of myself. Besides, if there was anything remotely bad about you," she gestured towards the house, "There's no way Sam would let you near anyone here. There" She handed him back his phone.

He looked at it confused, "Kira Friend? And 'Sam's' your middle name?"

She rolled her eyes and smiled, "No it's Kira Sam's Friend. So you don't get confused when you look through your contacts. You know, in case you don't remember who 'Kira' is" She shrugged.

He watched her kind of sulk back and he shook his head, "you don't give yourself enough credit."

She jerked her head back to look at him. He had a serious expression. "What do you mean?" she asked.

Bucky tucked the phone away in pocket, "I won't forget you."

Kira's eyes widened as she blushed at his statement and then shook her head, "Really Bucky, I'm just a passerby. Besides, you may not even need to call. I can count on one hand how many times an avenger has had to crash in Houston over the years."


Inside the house. Sam yawned as he walked in the kitchen. Sarah was already in there making some coffee for herself. "Do you see that?" she pointed outside. Sam looked out to see Bucky and Kira talking on the porch. "Do you see the way they are looking at each other?" She asked again.

Sam laughed, "I think it's great" he opened the fridge.

"You didn't have anything to do with this did you?" She raised an eyebrow at him.

He shut the fridge and looked back outside, "No. Well, at least it wasn't my idea...." he trailed off.

She put her hand on her hip and shook her head at her brother. "Oh? Then whose was it if it wasn't yours?"

He paused for a moment and with a somber tone he whispered, "Steve.."

You're the One Bucky BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now