Chapter 19

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"Uhhhgggg" Kira groaned. Everything was sore. Her neck, her shoulders, her legs, her abdomen. She wasn't even sure she could move. She slowly opened her eyes. Bucky was right there, looking back at her.

"Good afternoon doll," he whispered as he moved some stray strands of hair out of her face.

She smiled...wait. "afternoon?"

He chuckled, "you were exhausted."

"Wow..." Her eyes blinked at him several times before she pushed herself to sit up. She held the sheets up to cover her bare chest; she was still naked...Images of last night flooded back to her making her cheeks turn a crimson red. She frowned when she noticed he was fully dressed as he sat up with her.

He sensed the change in her demeanor and leaned in, placing a kiss on her forehead. "I've been up for a while. In fact, " He pulled out her phone from his pocket and handed it to her, "Your phone wouldn't stop ringing this morning. I told your coworker, Emily, that you couldn't come to work today."

Her mouth shot open. She wasn't sure if she was more surprised by, one, missing work because of mind blowing sex with a handsome super soldier, or two, the fact that said super soldier told her coworker that she couldn't come in today. Emily was so going to grill her about this tomorrow.

She watched as he took her hand. He pulled it up to his mouth and gave a small kiss on her knuckles, "We need to talk about last night, " he stated. He felt her flinch as she gulped.

"What about last night..." she asked in a low whisper. She was nervous. What if he was regretting it? What if it wasn't good enough for him? Her heart was racing in a panic, fearful he was going to reject her.

His forehead wrinkled as he tried to read her. Her heart was racing and he could see anxiety rising in her eyes. Had she really not noticed...? He lifted her hand up a little higher.

She looked at him concerned. He hadn't said anything yet. He was just moving her hand and that's...that's when she saw it...Her eyes focused on what he was trying to draw attention to. Bruises. Dark, purple and blue lines revealing where a hand was once wrapped around her wrist.

She inhaled sharply and looked down at her other wrist. A matching set from when he had pinned her down. "There's more..' he choked, almost regretting his words. But she needed to know...He pulled back the sheets from over her feet revealing more bruises around her ankles.

He squeezed his eyes shut, not ready to face whatever was to come next. A soft hand on face, caused him to jump. He opened his eyes, confused at her gesture.

"You're worried about some bruises?" she questioned

He almost glared, wondering how could she be so calm? "It's more than that Kira. I could have hurt you. I did hurt you" he argued.

Her fingers traced around his face, feeling the stubble along his jaw. "I'm not afraid of you Bucky. You may have marked me but you didn't hurt me."

Her words made him shiver, he had marked her.

"But..." she interrupted his thoughts, "I do have one confession to make"

His eyes widened

She bit down on her lip, "I dont think I'm going to be able to walk today."

"You can't walk?!" he freaked out, frantically looking over her body.

She leaned on his shoulder and busted out laughing. He was so confused.

"Oh my god Bucky. It's just an expression." she continued laughing

He shook his head, embarrassed, "I take it that means it was good?"

She blushed as she nuzzled her face into his neck, "yeah..."

His metal fingers slipped under her chin and lifted her face up, "there is something else..." he whispered.

"Oh?" she asked

He took a deep breath..

Buzz Buzz

They both jumped at the interruption. Bucky sighed. Relieved actually. He wasn't quite ready to talk about that other thing he did last night.

He pulled out his phone and answered, "What's up Sam?"

Kira held her breath. She was going to be pissed if he was already getting called for another mission. She couldn't make out the words but she knew Sam was upset about something.

Bucky leaned his head back talking on the phone, "I told you I would be there." and then he smirked, "Well, maybe you wouldn't be so tense about these things if you had a woman to come home to."

Kira blushed, was he referring to last night?

He looked down and winked at her, "Yeah, she's right here." He lowered his phone, "Sam says hello"

Now she was really embarrassed. Bucky was talking about her and to Sam...

"Don't worry, I'm headed out now," he huffed before hanging up.

She pouted. She wasn't ready for him to leave again.

"Don't worry doll" he kissed her forehead, "It's only a debriefing. I have to help Sam with his statement about our last mission"

Thank god. Even though he was leaving so soon, she wouldn't have to worry about him getting hurt.

He groaned as he got off the bed, "These meetings are ridiculous. But Sam needs my support. Otherwise..." He looked over at her. His dick was very aware that she was still naked under the sheets; but shook the dirty thoughts from his head as he remembered the bruises.

He grabbed his backpack and tossed it over his shoulder, "I'll be back soon, I promise" He walked back over to her side of the bed and leaned down, giving her a soft kiss on the lips. 

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