Chapter 26

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WARNING: This chapter contains some images of violence

(2 weeks ago)

Bucky stared at the ceiling above him in the abandoned warehouse. He laid there, motionless. He couldn't feel anything. His body, his mind, his heart...they were all numb.

He heard voices as a door banged open not 10 feet away from him.

"What the" a scratchy voice echoed through the space. Some men walked over to where Bucky was laying down. "Hey! Get up" a man shouted as he kicked Bucky in the side of his torso. Bucky remained still, unphased at the action.

Another man yelled down at Bucky, "You better get the hell out of here or else -"

In a split second, Bucky was on his feet, startling the men that were sounding him.

Bucky reached for the one that kicked him, grabbing him by the throat and lifting him up. "You did this," Bucky growled through his teeth. The man struggled to get free, gasping. Bucky squeezed, his metal fingers breaking through skin, causing the man's neck to explode with blood spewing out.

The other men panicked at the sight. Bucky's shoulders heaved, his death glare scouring at his prey as they fled.

Bucky leapt, his body landing in front of a man, cutting him off from the exit. The man backed up, wailing his arms in fear and he tripped, falling back. Bucky pushed his foot down on the man's leg as he tried to squirm away. "It's all your fault," Bucky hissed, pressing his weight down and snapping bone beneath his foot. The man screamed from the pain. Bucky twisted, swiftly kicking the man's face, breaking his neck from the force.

Bullets flew by as Bucky turned and stalked his way to the group trying to escape. He feared nothing as his body charged forward, knocking down every man. Violently their bodies smashed into the walls, the floor, and anything that stood in his way.

Bucky approached the last man who was shaking against the wall, trying to reload his gun. He grabbed his shirt and pushed him against the concrete. Bucky's eyes pierced through him as he yelled out, "She will never forgive you!"

He leaned his weight to the side, bringing his metal arm back. He swung an uppercut directly through the man's sternum. Blood vomited out of the man's mouth as bone shattered with Bucky's hand stabbing into his chest. He pulled his arm back and let the lifeless body fall to the ground.

Moments later, Bucky staggered out of the building, collapsing to his knees on the pavement. "AHHHHHH" he screamed out at the sky.

Then his head jerked to the side as he heard the sharp whistling of a blade. Spears pointed at him.

"So, the Dora Milaje has come for me." Bucky's face twisted into a sinister grin.

"This has got to stop." Okoye ordered as she stepped forward, "You're leaving a trail of bodies."

"They are all guilty!!" he glared, yelling out.

She glared back, tilting her weapon at him, "Just because they were all criminals doesn't make this right. What if this escalades and you end up hurting the innocent."

He pushed himself to a standing position with his head hanging low, accepting this fate. He clenched his fists and gritted his teeth, "Then try and stop me"



Sam barged into the room, furious. He skipped the formalities as he confronted Shuri, "I need to see Bucky. I know he's here!"

Surprised, Shuri responded, "Well, Sam I think I-"

Okoye interrupted, "I'm afraid that's not possible."

Sam and Shuri both looked over at Okoye, who had just walked into the room. Sam pleaded, "You don't understand he -"

Okoye slammed the bottom of her spear on the ground to silence him and then spoke, "His recent actions forced us to intervene and he is currently being held in a high security prison."

He shook his head, not wanting to believe what he was hearing. What had become of his friend. He had to know. "What exactly did he do that you had to put him there?"

She remained silent as she stood her ground.

Sam huffed, realizing they weren't going to share any information. Was it really that bad? Did Bucky revert back to The Winter Soldier? There had to be something. Sam confronted her, "You helped him once, can't you do it again?"

"It only works if he wants help" Okoye responded

He rubbed his forehead. This wasn't going well and what was he going to tell Kira. Then he realized that maybe he had something that could help. He gave Okoye a stern look and asked, "Can you at least deliver a message to him?"

She Nodded


Bucky slowly opened his eyes, a bright light caused him to cover his face. He moved to roll over but froze when he realized his metal arm was gone. He looked around, gathering his surroundings. Fancy cell, high tech security... there was a knock on the glass next to him.

"You ready to talk?" a voice called out

He looked up to see Okoye standing outside watching him.

"Why am I here?" Bucky asked confused

"Your rampage across the states was leaving a high body count," she stated.

He shook his head, "No, why am I alive?"

She let out a heavy breath, "We've been down this path before."

He looked down

"Who is Kira?" he heard her ask and his eyes shot wide.

He stood up, his heart pounding in his chest, he reached his hand on the glass wall. "Where did you hear that?"

"Sam came to get you. He said Kira needed you." Okoye responded

Bucky stared out. "Kira..." Images flashed before him: he remembered her gorgeous smile behind the wine glass on the night he first met her, the feeling of her hand on his metal arm when she massaged him, her soft lips when they kissed, her face nuzzled against his neck, her rosy cheeks as she asked him to make her house his home...

All the emotions he had buried since the incident, rose to the surface and exploded inside him as he cried out. He held his stomach as he collapsed on the floor.

Okoye pushed, "Who is Kira?"

"Stop it!" Bucky pleaded

"Who is she to you!" Okoye demanded

"She..." Bucky panted through his cries, "Kira..."

She added, "I cannot help you if you cant help yourself"

Bucky pounded his fist on the floor, "DAMMIT Okoye. Can't you see that I love her!"

His mouth shot open, surprised at the words that he yelled out. He loves her. His breathing started to even out as he laid against the cool floor.

"Are you ready to talk now?" Okoye repeated her initial question.

He looked up at her. "I need your help..."

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