Chapter 27

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Kira spun around admiring herself in the mirror. She had to admit, she looked HOT. Fiery red sequins shimmered off her long sleeved cocktail dress that wrapped around to just above her knees with an off-center slit going up mid thigh. The ruching at the waist accentuated her curves and the deep V cut drew attention to her sexy cleavage.

Her hair was pulled back into a low bun fastened at the nape of her neck with a few loose, wavy strands that framed her face. And for more flare she put on dangly gold earrings, a chunky gold bracelet, and shiny gold heels.

She put her hands on her hips, posing with one of her knees bent. Her legs looked incredible. It had been so long since she had gotten this dressed up. Emily had surprised her with an invite to an exclusive gala event. Her friend was very eager to scope out any eligible bachelor, so Kira agreed to be her wing woman for the evening.

Emily waved as Kira walked up to the building.

"Sorry that took so long" Kira panted, "I had to park pretty far away" She looked down at her heels wondering how she was going to survive the night after that long walk

Emily "It's okay girl! Let's grab you a drink. And by the way, I'm totally jealous right now!"

"What do you mean?" Kira gave her a confused look.

"You're supposed to be helping me find a man, not steal them for yourself" Emily gestured at Kira's attire and giggled, "I'm just playing but seriously you look amazing!"

"Oh come on Emily," Kira linked elbows with her, "You look stunning!" They walked inside where a waiter greeted them with a tray of champagne. They each took a glass and headed over to an empty table.

Kira was ready to chug her drink down. She felt uneasy, like too many eyes were on her. She looked down at her dress. Was this too much? Oh god, she hoped she didn't look desperate. She shook her thoughts, reminding herself that she was here for Emily and shouldn't care what people think. "So Emily, see anyone yet?"

Emily titled her glass to Kira, "I'm going to be real honest with you Kira. I don't think there's a man in this room i wouldn't go home with tonight"

Kira laughed. She knew her friend wasn't serious but that did raise a concern about her getting taken advantage of. She will have to be extra careful to watch Emily tonight.

The girls decided to walk around and check out the rest of the area. Emily introduced herself to a gentleman off in the corner and Kira stood close by...but there it was again. That strange feeling of someone watching her. Kira looked around. Paranoia didn't feel good, but she could never be too careful.

"Well that ones not good either," Emily sighed as she walked back to Kira

Kira raised an eyebrow, "And what is wrong with this one?"

"He's engaged" she huffed.

Kira giggled, "you're really not having any luck tonight are you?"

Emily shook her head as she pulled out her phone, "Ugh. its already getting late too. Guess tonight was a bust. You ready to head out?"

Kira nodded. She was so ready to get out of these heels. The girls said their goodbyes and headed separate ways to their vehicles.

Kira was reaching her clutch when someone grabbed her arm. "Hello gorgeous " a man said as he forcefully pushed her up against the closet car.

"Get your hands off me!" Kira yelled as she punched his chest.

"You're a feisty one aren't you" he snickered as he leaned into her, "I've had my eyes on you since the moment you walked through those doors tonight"

Her eyes widened. She wasn't crazy. Someone was watching her the whole time! But she sure as hell wasn't going to let this creep take advantage of her. She moved her arm with all her might and punched him directly in the face, "get your disgusting hands off me!"

"Why you little bitch!" he yelled, pushing her harder into the car and winding his other arm to slap her.

She winced, closing her eyes, waiting for the hit. But it never came. She opened her eyes as the mans hand let go oh her arm and he was knocked down onto the pavement. "What the-" the man looked around confused before getting up and running away.

Kira let out of breath of relief. But what just happened. She looked around and caught a glimpse of a figure slipping around the car. Her heart raced...could it be? She quickly moved to catch up. As she made her way around the car, the figure was already 4 cars away. It had to be him.

"Bucky!" she cried out. 

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