Chapter 10

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Sam waved as Bucky approached him at the airport, "You ready to go?" 

"No. But I'm here anyways" Bucky huffed as he walked past Sam and headed into the plane

"Whoa whoa! Slow down" He ran in after Bucky.

"I thought we were cool?" Sam gestured between himself and Bucky, "you know, partners?"

Bucky rolled his eyes, "It's not you Sam"

"Okay...?" Sam cocked his head to the side, "do we need to talk about this? Because I don't want you distracted out there. I need to know that you got my back"

Bucky threw his backpack in the seat, "I don't know."

"What do you mean, you don't know Buck?" Sam got in his space.

Bucky turned towards his friend, "I'm sorry Sam. I don't know what's bothering me."

Sam pressed his lips together and shook his head in annoyance, "You know. You just don't want to talk about it. It's written all over your face."

Bucky averted his eyes. He was angry. Not at Sam but something else that was stirring inside him.

"Is this about Winter?" Sam butted back in.

Bucky glared at him, "Why the hell would you think that?"

Sam put his hands on his hips and glared back, "Cuz you're being a huge ass right now. And I don't know what else could be going on, UNLESS you tell me"

Bucky didn't want to admit it, but Sam was right. He really did know but he was having a hard time processing it all. He groaned, "Alright"

Sam raised his eyebrows, "Alright? That's all I get?"

"I'll talk" Bucky began, "but you have to promise that this stays between us"

Sam nodded, "Alright"

Bucky teased at him, "Alright?"

Sam shook his head annoyed, "Man, just stop playing and tell me. I promise I won't say anything to anyone."

"And don't make this weird" Bucky added

"Weird?" Sam held out his hands confused, "You're the one making this weird"

Bucky rubbed his eyes, "It's Kira..."

"Oh...OH!" Sam nodded his head with a big grin on his face.

Bucky furrowed his brows as he looked at Sam, "I said don't make this weird"

"Uh huh. Too late for that" Sam chuckled.

Bucky rolled his eyes.

"So what about her?" Sam inquired.

Bucky pondered for a moment and let out a huge sigh.

Sam smirked, "You like her don't you?"

Bucky flinched, "What?" He waved his arms out , "How would you even get that when I haven't said anything?"

Sam laughed, "Look at yourself. You are so flustered. Did you take my advice and call her?"

Bucky nodded his to the side, "Yeah"

"And...?" Sam pushed for more information.

Bucky caved. He knew his friend was going to find out sooner or later. "I didn't just call," he confessed, "I went to see her. Stayed with her actually, for a few days"

Sam beamed, "What? Look at you! I didn't think you had it in you. So how did she take this situation?"

Bucky licked lips and shook his head, "I lied about being on a mission so she would let me stay."

"Oh" Sam's expression changed, a little concerned, "Does she know that?"

Bucky ran his hand over the top of his head, "I wanted to tell her but damn. I didn't want to ruin anything. Although I think I might have just ruined everything..." He sulked.

Sam raised an eyebrow, "What did you do?"

"I left...this morning. She was still asleep." he threw his head back. He was angry with himself. What kind of man leaves without saying goodbye.

Sam nodded, acknowledging the situation. "But you like her?" he asked

"Sam, I've only known her for a week" Bucky evaded

"Just answer the question. Do you like her?" Sam repeated

Bucky stared at his friend, "Yes Sam. I like her."

Sam chuckled, "See, that wasn't so hard was it. Now you just need to tell her."

"It's not that simple." Bucky sat down in seat

Sam stood in front of him, "Don't let something good slip away from you Bucky. And if you break her heart, I'm going to beat your ass."

Buck smirked, "I'd like to see you try."

"I'm serious Buck," Sam implored, "You can't leave her in the dark." Sam sat down next to him, "Look, we have that big charity event in a few weeks. I promise she will be there."

Bucky raised an eyebrow at him, "And you're okay with all this?"

Sam smiled, "I wouldn't be if I didn't think you too would be a good match. Besides," Sam grumbled, "I have my own confession to make to you."

Bucky leaned back, crinkling his eyes, "And what kind of confession do you have..?"

Sam sighed, "I never told you this but I was on a mission, and this was several years back," he paused for a moment, "Steve was with me. We were out searching for something and needed a place to stay. I called up Kira and we crashed at her place." 

He leaned forward, "Steve really liked Kira" He saw Bucky frown and he quickly added, "Not like 'like'. But 'like', as in thought she was perfect for you."

Bucky looked down at his hands as Sam continued, "As we were leaving Steve said, and I quote, 'Man, I wish Bucky were here.' I asked him why he thought that and his response was, 'She's the one for him.' Of course, I didn't really think much about then. But I see it now too."

Bucky glanced up at Sam, "He really said that?"

"Yeah, it was kind of weird because I didn't know a whole lot about you back then. But you're pretty cool now. " Sam chuckled, "I'm all for you and Kira getting together." He patted Bucky on the shoulder.

"Alright" Bucky smiled, "I'll talk to her"

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