Chapter 22

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The man grabbed Kira's phone from the table as she was being ripped from the chair. He watched and waited till they knocked her out before turning off the speaker and putting the phone up to his ear.

He turned to look out the window, "I'm so glad you answered your phone, Captain America."


"Who the hell is this?" Sam yelled, raging with anger.

"Oh come now. I would much rather introduce myself in person." the man snickered through the phone

"Let her go" Sam demanded

"Tsk tsk. Don't worry, Sam, you'll get her back as long as you cooperate."

"What do you want?" Sam gritted through his teeth

"I'm going to send you some coordinates. Meet me there. You have till midnight. Come alone." the man hung up

Sam brought his phone down. He took a deep breath, "Kira.." his eyes watering from rage and fear. He looked over at Bucky who was glaring at the wall.

Sam walked over, "Bucky, im-," he reached his hand up to place it on Bucky's shoulder.

But In a split second, Bucky had snatched his forearm, "just get the fucking coordinates"

Sam pulled back as he saw the look in Bucky's eyes. They were burning. Bloodlust. Dark. Cold. Cruel. Ruthless. ....almost inhuman. "Bucky..?" Sam gulped.

Bucky pushed past him, bumping his shoulder; the sheer force caused Sam to fall back a few steps.

Sam turned around as he caught his balance. "Bucky!" he shouted as he ran out of the room chasing him. Snapping his head side to side, Sam looked down the hallways. But Bucky was gone. Shit.


Her head felt heavy, one side was throbbing painfully. She fought to open her eyes as she tilted her head up. She whimpered as her tongue moved across cloth, realizing she was gagged. Kira shifted her body as her eyes adjusted to the room. She was sitting back against something. Hands bound to a pole of some sort behind her. Her legs crossed to the side with her ankles bound as well. Tears swelled as she looked around, not knowing where she was. Glass windows lined one side of the room and armed guards at the door at the other side.

She flinched as she saw the man, from the conference room, stalking towards her. "Ah, you're awake." he grinned, "And just in time" He bent down in front of her grabbing her chin with one hand, forcing her to look at him.

Tears streamed down her face. "Now now," he cooed as he looked at his watch, "we still have 15 minutes for the great Captain America to make his appearance "

She sobbed. She feared for her life and desperately wanted Sam to rescue her. But if Sam not showing up meant he got to live another day, then she prayed he wouldn't come for her.

"Just between me and you," the man smirked as he ran his thumb along her bottom lip. She winced at his disgusting touch.

"Even if Sam doesn't show," he pushed his mouth up against her ear, "I'm sure you and I will get more acquainted" Her body shook as she cried into the gag and tried to pull her head away.

Glass shattered as Captain America flew in, landing on his fist and knee "Get the hell away from her," Sam yelled

The man released Kira and stood up, "So glad you could make it Captain. Kira was beginning to worry you weren't going to come for her"

Sam glared at the man, "I'm here. Let her go."

The man shook his head in amusement, "No Captain, that's not how things work." He flicked his wrist out.

"SAM" Kira tried to scream through the gag as the armed men aimed their guns at him. She violently shook her body to break out of her bonds. Sam...she couldn't watch Sam die. She bawled, begging in her head for him to leave. She wasn't worth saving.

The man's smirk faded as shots were heard coming from down the hall. He growled, "Captain..."

Sam used his wings to shield himself as the armed men started shooting at him.

Kira jerked her head as the door slammed open. Tears streamed down her face as she tried to smile, Oh my god, Bucky had come for her. His hand raised up, shooting the armed men close to the door. Her eyes widened as she watched his swift, calculated, deadly movements.

The bad man huffed, "I told you to come alone!" He reached in his coat and pulled out a gun.

Kira watched in horror as he cocked it back and pointed directly between her eyes. She cried. This was it. She was going to die...

And then the gun fell out of his. He screamed out, grasping his arm. Blood was dripping down his hand as Kira saw a blade sticking through his wrist. She looked over, the blade was thrown from Bucky.

"You son of a Bitch!" the man yelled as Bucky charged at him.

It was like time had slowed down. Kira could only watch as Bucky ran, step after step and then pressed his legs into the ground, crouching slightly to lift himself up in the air. The man tried to turn and cower but Bucky was leaping straight towards him. His metal arm bending, winding back with a fist.

She couldn't move... She couldn't breathe as the scene unfolded directly in front of her.

Bucky's fist slammed straight into the man's skull, smashing him into the floor; brains and blood spewed out as his body convulsed.

She stared out at the lifeless body twitching before her. Bullets were still flying but she couldn't hear anything. Someone was beside her untying her and removing her gag. But she didn't move. Her body had gone into pure shock.

"I'm right here Kira," Sam said as his wings shielded bullets while he untied her. He put an arm behind her back and another under her legs. "I've got you" he whispered as he hoisted her up against his chest.

"I'm getting her out of here!" Sam yelled at Bucky as his wings spread and he flew out the window. 

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