Chapter 7

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After getting ready for work, Kira walked out to the living room. Bucky wasn't there this morning. She was a little disappointed but wasn't too surprised, and kind of relieved to be honest. After he embraced her yesterday, things felt awkward. Probably best to get some space and to not bring that up.

Work wasn't too bad. Her clients were great and the office was peaceful. But Kira was dreading the end of her shift. If Kalvin showed back up...She shivered, not wanting to think about it.

She gathered her folders and sorted them in the cabinets. She kept peeking over the counter to make sure Kalvin wasn't sneaking up on her.

She locked the cabinet and turned around, "Oh shit" she gasped, "Bucky. I wasn't expecting you"

"I can tell" he grinned, "just wanted to make sure you weren't having any trouble today."

She let out a sigh of relief, "Thanks. I appreciate it. I've been on edge the past hour."

He tapped the counter, "mind if I catch a ride with you?"

She frowned "I don't know Bucky..." she mumbled as she gathered her things. He tilted his head, and squinted his eyes; unsure of her behavior. Was she mad at him?

She looked up and giggle at his expression, "I'm just messing with you" She walked over and playfully smacked his arm, "Let's go"

He let out a slight chuckle as he caught on to her teasing. "You had me worried there for a second. Thought I was in trouble"

On the drive back to the house, Bucky turned to Kira, "I was wondering if we could talk about something."

She glanced over from the wheel, concerned, "is everything okay?"

He looked down at his metal hand, "I was thinking about those things you said... About massage being used to help with recovery"

"Oh" she raised her eyebrows as she looked back towards the road. That wasn't what she was expecting him to bring up, "Is there anything in particular you were wondering about?" Out of the corner of her eye, she noticed him staring at his metal arm. "or would you like to get a massage and see how you respond"

He rested his metal hand on his thigh, "I'm not sure" He leaned back into the seat and tilted his head over to look at her, "What would you suggest?"

She pressed her lips together and tapped the steering wheel trying to decide what to tell him, "Well, if you are willing to try, I would recommend for you to get a massage. Even if it was only for like 5 minutes. And you don't have to get undressed. Start small."

She pulled the car into the driveway and put it in park. She turned to face him, "I'm not going to lie Bucky, for someone who has been exposed to an insane amount of intense negative touch for so long, it might be a challenging road. But I think it will be worth it. It can help you" She looked over at his metal arm.

He formed a fist with his metal hand, " I think.." he pondered for a moment before answering, "I would like that"

Kira gazed into his beautiful blue eyes. She could see some pain hiding but there was also longing...hope. "Would you...feel comfortable with me giving you the massage?" She hesitantly asked.

He unclenched his fist and leaned in on the console, "I'm going to be honest," he paused for a second, "I don't want anyone else but you.. Very few people know my story. I really don't want to have to explain a metal arm to some stranger"

She let out a small sigh of relief. For a second there, she thought he was going to reject her offer. But it made sense. What he had been through. That's not a story to share so easily, if at all.

She looked at the time before turning the car off. "If you're up for it, we could do a session now." She shrugged over at him.

"Is that okay? You just got off work" he didn't want to impose if she was too tired.

She unbuckled, "It's really no problem at all. Honestly, it's up to you and how you feel. We can do this whenever you're ready."

He opened his door and got out. He stretched his back, turning side to side. Kira got out too, waiting to see his response.

Sheepishly, Bucky looked over at her and responded, "Why not. Let's give it a shot"

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