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The power came back on early in the morning which allowed Louis and Liam to get up early to make breakfast for everyone. It consisted of gravy, buscuits, eggs, and toast. They had coffee ready even though the heat had kicked back in. It was still slightly chilly. The snow had stopped and the skies were clear but the roads were still slick and full of snow that had turned into ice over night.

"Thanks for helping me." Liam spoke, "I feel like you and I haven't spent a lot of time together."

"Me either." Louis agreed, "I'm happy to help. You're special to Harry which makes you special to me. I mean you are the only one among us who has the most sense."

Liam laughed, "Not going to argue with that. Are the eggs ready?"

Louis nodded, "Yep. Ready to be scarfed down then pushed out of an ass later."

"Ew!" Liam screeched, "You're disgusting!"

Louis laughed, "Lets go wake the others! I'm ready to start Christmas."

"Everything smells delicious." Niall yawned, "I'm starving."

Everyone was still bundled up in their clothes from yesterday and were too afraid to take them off. They figured they'd turn into ice and would much rather overheat then freeze at the moment.

Harry kissed Louis, "Morning, Louis."

"Merry Christmas, baby!' Louis exclaimed, pulling him into a hug, "You're the best gift I've ever gotten. Fucking love you and your friends and your cute little ass."

Harry snorted and choked on the cold air, "I hate you. Lets eat."

"I'd much rather eat your as-"

"Don't!" Zayn yelled, "Don't be a pervert on Christmas!"

Louis pouted, "Damn it, Zayn."

Harry smiled at him, "If you eat then you get to open your presents."

Louis's face lit up, "Lets go eat!"

He grabbed Harry's wrist and tugged him into the kitchen almost tripping over a pair of shoes.

"Been walking long?" Niall teased.

"Shut up and choke on your eggs." Louis joked, sticking out his tongue.

They all ate and talked happily about Christmas and what they were going to do after the presents were done being opened and the roads had cleared enough.

"I don't think we're going to be able to see our families today anyway." Zayn said, "The roads are still nasty and they'd all freak out if we tried driving."

"He's right." Liam agreed, "We're better off locking ourselves in and spend the day getting warm."

"And by warm he doesn't mean canoodling on the couch." Niall laughed, pointing at Harry and Louis.

"Why is it always us?" Harry asked, pouting, "Zayn and Liam do it too!"

"We are not as loud and as horny as you thank you very much."

Liam smiled at his boyfriend and put his hand over his, "We do have our moments though."

"That's something to be proud of." Niall whispered, rolling his eyes.

"Shut up, fuckface."

"You shut up, Zaynie."

"Don't call me that."

"Don't call me fuckface."

"This is very entertaining." Harry laughed.

"Shut up, Harry! Bastard!"

KIK. // Larry Stylinson.Where stories live. Discover now