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"That place is bullshit." Liam spoke, slamming the door behind him.

Harry peered out from the kitchen, "Everything okay?"

"This dude, Terry, backed me up in the backroom and started accusing me of stealing. I'm suspended."

Harrys' jaw dropped, "They believed that you were stealing?"

Liam shook his head, "They don't think I was stealing at all. I'm suspended because I punched Terry in the face. Hence my wrapped up hand."

He held up his left hand which was bandaged up causing Harry to shake his head, "You need to control your temper, Liam."

"People need to not accuse me of shit."

Harry laughed, "Just take a load off alright? Have you heard from Niall?"

"He called me earlier and said he had a date tonight." Liam replied, "So I guess it's just us."

Harry shook his head, "Zayn and Liam are coming for dinner."

Liams' entire face lit up, "Zayn is exactly what I need after this shitty day."

Harry smiled at him, "I'm happy you have him, you know? Even if you two aren't as open as Louis is."

Liam laughed, "I don't think anyone is as open as Louis is aside from Niall. But thanks, Harry. I'm glad you have Louis."

"Lets just hope Niall finds someone good."

"What if he finds a girl?" Liam asked, walking into the kitchen with Harry, "She'd be surrounded by gay guys."

"You know how many girls want that stereotypical gay best friend?" Harry asked, "She'd probably be delighted."

"I don't think we're your typical gay guys, Harry."

Harry shrugged with a smile, "That'd be up to her decide wouldn't it? Now go take a shower and relax before they get here alright? You had a hard day."

Liam hugged him before walking towards the bathroom. Harry smiled to himself before getting back to cooking dinner. It felt like every part of his life was finally coming together and he couldn't be happier. Even with the shit with Derek going on he was extremely happy and he knew he'd be okay as long as he had Louis and his friends.

"Hi baby!" Louis squeaked, wrapping his arms around Harry.

Harry laughed and hugged him, "Hi, Louis."

Harry had to admit he loved that Louis was shorter than him. He loved when Louis nuzzled his face against his chest. It made him feel happy that he had someone to protect. Louis loved knowing that Harry was there to protect him just as he was there to protect Harry. Harry was home.

"Are you two love birds going to get out of the way?" Liam teased, "Some of us are hungry."

Louis pulled back and playfully flipped Liam off causing Zayn to smack Louis upside the head. Harry laughed and tugged Louis further into the room so Zayn could close the door.

"I'm hungry but not for food." Louis spoke, smacking Harry's ass.

Harry gasped and began blushing, "Louis."

"What?' Your ass tastes incredible!"

Harry was a blushing mess as Zayn and Liam laughed.

"Louis, you're terrible." Zayn chuckled.

Louis stuck his tongue out, "Feed me before I eat Harrys' ass right here."

Liam tugged Louis into the kitchen causing Harry to grin.

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