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TopTommo: hehehehe, we are leaving the house.

Zayniac: don't worry. louis is driving so once we actually leave he won't be annoying.

StylishStyles: I feel like he's always annoying.

Zayniac: true lmao.

TopTommo: hey!

NiallHorny: don't worry louis you'll be my sidekick.

TopTommo: yay! Nouis forever

StylishStyles: nouis sounds gross.


TopTommo: I'm sorry my baby! you're the prettiest

StylishStyles: lol ok.

LiamPayne: good grief. I can only imagine what this is going to be like in person

Zayniac: well louis just pulled out of the driveway so he won't be replying for the next half hour. I'm going to be reading him the directions.

LiamPayne: be safe you two. we will see you soon.

StylishStyles: oh god.

NiallHorny: HEHEHE new friends!

Harry was nervous but the more Zayn kept telling him that Louis was shy in person he felt a little calmer. He didn't mind making new friends but at least through the phone he could block Louis or ignore his messages. It wouldn't be easy to ignore the boy in his house.

Niall was standing outside in the rain to help the other two find the right house. The last message they recieved was Zayn telling them they'd be there in about ten minutes.

"I look like shit!" Liam exclaimed.

"Since when do you care what you look like at your own house?" Harry asked.

"He wants Zayn!" Niall yelled from outside.

Harry laughed at Liams' face, "He's a good looking guy, Liam. Don't be embarrassed."

"I'm not embarrassed about finding him attractive, Harry. I'm embarrassed about the crap Niall is going to say. He has no filter."

"He has always been like that." Harry reminded him, "Just be who you are, Liam. Strong, relentless. Don't let the Irish twink get to you."

Liam nodded, "You're right, Harry."

Moments later headlights peered through the dark and into their window through the blinds. Harry and Liam looked at each other and stood up as the lights cut off.

"If we get murdered I'm coming back to life to kill Niall." Harry whispered

"I'm right there with you."

The front door opened, "Welcome to our home!'

Niall walked in and hung up his jacket. He was surprisingly pretty dry for standing out in the rain for a while.

"Louis, Zayn this is Harry and Liam."

Zayn and Louis walked into the house. Niall closed the door behind them and watched the others.

"It's nice to meet you." Liam smiled, "Welcome to our house."

"Thank you." Zayn replied, "It's nice to meet the people behind the phone."

"Hi, Louis." Harry spoke.

Louis' eyes widened, "You-Your voice is really deep."

Harry smiled at him, "You really are shy aren't you?"

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