"Why not? He sounded like the perfect guy." Penelope questioned.

"To you maybe but not to me," Y/N said, "Don't get me wrong, he was a great guy and the sex was okay but there just wasn't a genuine connection there."

"So who is your perfect guy?"

Y/N took in a deep breath before answering, "Spencer."

Penelope gasped, "I knew it! What made you realise it?"

"I don't know, I guess that I just compared him to Spencer one too many times," Y/N said, "He was a nice guy but there were times I found myself thinking that if it were Spencer sat in front if me I would be having the time of my life, not just a little fun."

"I can't believe it's taken you this long to realise it," Penelope said, "You two have been head over heels for each other since you joined the BAU."

Y/N offered her a small smile, "How do I tell him?"

"Just tell him," Penleope said, "He will feel the same way."


Despite Derek and Elle's attempts in getting Spencer to talk, neither of them were getting anywhere. He only gave one word answers and they were lucky to even get that out of him. Both of them knew that something was wrong with Spencer; they just didn't know what.

When Y/N eventually made her way back into the bullpen after her long conversation with Penelope, she gasped once she realised what was on her desk. Picking up the paper bag, she made eye contact with Spencer, who couldn't help but watch her reaction.

"Spence, did you get me this?" Y/N questioned, a wide smile on her face.

Despite how he was feeling, Spencer smiled. He couldn't help it. Whenever Y/N smiled, he did as well, there was something about her smile that was so infectious.

"I did." He spoke.

Quickly rushing over to him, she wrapped her arms around his shoulders from behind. Spencer's hands immediately came up to hold onto her arms, his thumb gently rubbing across her skin.

Y/N was the only person that really made physical contact with Spencer. Knowing how he was with touch, everyone always kept him an arms width away, but Y/N was different. Every opportunity she had she would hug him or link arms with him or even just touch him in some way. When she hugged him for the first time, everyone was very wary, knowing that Spencer normally rejected any form of physical affection. However when Y/N wrapped her arms around him for the first time, he realised how much he really liked to be held in such a way. Everyone was surprised by his reaction.

Now, if the two were touching or hugging, no one would bat an eyelid. Although there were many knowing looks exchanged between everyone.

"Thank you so much." Y/N mumbled into his ear causing a small blush to form on Spencer's face.

"You're welcome." Spencer replied.

"Did you get yourself anything?" Y/N questioned, "We could eat together."

Spencer shook his head slightly, "No, I was in a rush this morning and didn't bring a lot of cash with me. I was going to buy myself a cookie but when I saw that they sold your favourite muffin, I decided to buy it for you."

"We can share it if you like?" Y/N suggested.

"Are you sure?" Spencer questioned.

"Of course I am." Y/N said, unwrapping her arms from around him to get the muffin off her desk.

Spencer immediately missed the feeling of her arms and the warmth they brought. However, as she moved her chair to sit at his desk with him, the warmth somehow was brought back.

𝐒𝐏𝐄𝐍𝐂𝐄𝐑 𝐑𝐄𝐈𝐃 𝐅𝐈𝐂𝐒Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora