"What? Why?" he asked quickly. "I'm 21, I've never been drunk, we have that strong drink from Asgard, it's a party, do I need to go on?" I said making him smile.

"Don't do anything you'll regret," he said warningly but smiling.

"I will," I said giving him a quick kiss again, he accepted it knowing he couldn't stop me without making me angry, but of course he was worried, that's why I told him, so he was prepared. But damn I wanted to feel the effects, I was so curious.

"I won't let anything happen to you," Loki said after a while of thinking. "I'm counting on it," I said sarcastically.

"Tonyyyyyyy, give me some Asgardian juice," I yelled jokingly making them laugh at me, I didn't even know where the behaviour was coming from.

---------A few Asgardian drinks later---------

I was dancing with Nat and Pepper jumping around each other when a slow song was playing making us laugh even harder, a lot of people were eying us irritated, but we didn't care. We were all very full and had no shame or dignity left. Loki came up to me multiple times worried but I pushed him away every time,  although we did dance together.

"Celene, let's have another drink!" Nat yelled stumbling closer to me.

I was very hot and sweating and out of breath and agreed to take another drink, I was going to go all the way. We walked away from the floor, and I didn't see it but Loki was following where I was going with his eyes.

We walked up to the bar and ordered our drinks giggling. We got our request and cheered to chug the whole glass together and laughed it off. A guy walked up to us and I don't know why but Nat and I were shielding Pepper, which she took as offending and bumped her way in between us. We were trying to stay serious looking at the pretty young guy but burst out laughing for no reason.

The guy was looking confused at us and cleared his voice.

"Celene, do you want to dance with me?" he asked calmly making me confused.

"Sure," I said way too excited not questioning anything. Nat and Pepper were cheering when I was walking away with him onto the dance floor while I was still giggling.

"Who are you?" I asked confused and happily, the guy chuckled as a response.

"Nobody important," he said taking my hand already. I was very much confused but walked after him ignoring the calls I got from Nat and Pepper behind me. He took me to the dance floor and held my waist dancing with me, I wasn't very stable but I wasn't falling over yet. I kept wondering about who he was and decided to read his mind.

Fury wasn't joking when he said she could be intimidating.

"And I'm not even agitated," I said making him smile.

"Apologies," he said softly.

"Why are you here?" I asked him still sweetly. "I wouldn't pass on a good dance with the famous Celene," he said sarcastically.

"I mean, with what reasons are you here and famous where?" I continued. Maybe it was the big amount of strong drinks I had, but I was so sweet. Although I wasn't sure if it was a good thing if he was Hydra of something I was being polite to him. Well, fuck that he seemed nice.

"I'm just here as security backup from Shield for your protection," he responded honestly. I nodded my head waiting for the future explanation.

"And I know you because I worked with your mother in the past," he said softly showing a side of sadness. "How well did you know her?" I asked smiling, why was I smiling? He chuckled at my behaviour probably noticing my non-sober ass.

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