
197 6 1

September 24, 2021

Hello there,

Until now, I couldn't believe I already finished writing Rishan and Xandro's story. Honestly, it took me four months to finally have the idea of how to write Postlude. It was so hard, halos iyakan ko na dahil ang tagal ng walang abante. I could almost hear Xandro's voice nagging at me that I should write his point of view already. And when I tried, I was surprised when it's not as hard as I thought, lol! His POV is much easier than Devan and Cassiel's. 

In addition to this, I know at some point, Rishan's character and the way she talked in the first part of the story annoyed you, and I'm sorry for that. I'm still exploring as an amateur writer. Hence, female leads aren't always soft-spoken, prim, and proper. But still, you waited for her character development. Thank you. It's not yet too late for us too to allow ourselves to grow.

Anyways, I just want to share that before saying my gratitude again.

Guys, thank you. If you reached this point, thank you for giving my third installment a chance again. Thank you for allotting some of your precious time to finish this third work of mine. I hope somehow, it gave you motivation and pursue your passion is. Never let others stopped you from doing what you love. Go for it, take a risk. Live the life you owe yourself.

"It's wasn't an easy journey, but it's worth an adventure."

Keep safe, always.

With all my heart,


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