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Third Person POV:

“He knows, he’s the only person who can see me, but now you became the second person, what an honor right?” Jung Kook mumbled, he tried to make his statement sounds cheerful, but he accept his defeat when Taehyung frowned.

“If that’s an honor, go to your hospital room and laid your soul to your body, that way you can go back right? I saw a lot of things like that from the drama’s and–“

“And none of it was true, or none of it was happy ending and I oppose to believe you, there’s still a happy ending.”

“Stop thinking about my situation and focus on Mr. Kim’s incident, I’ve heard some things but I need you to confirm it to our company records, ask Dad if needed.”

Taehyung brows wiggled, eyes blinked, lips twitched completely shock. “Since when you are following me?” Taehyung asked worriedly as his eyes goes down to his lower part.

“I’m not a pervert.” Jung Kook reassured, and by the time Taehyung let out a relieved breathing Jung Kook grunts.

“But still, mine is way better than yours.” Jung Kook said confidently.

Taehyung was about to cupped Jung Kook’s cheeks but his hands just made a sounds of clasps as his palm bumped to each his own.

Taehyung saw how Jung Kook turned away with a force smile, Taehyung had tried to lift the mood around them and he figured out getting out from the car is the first step he has to make.

After they went inside his place, Taehyung still couldn’t believe he is talking to the soul of the husband of the man that he loves.

Taehyung even mistakenly asks Jung Kook what he wanted to eat, where he should sleep, offered some blanket and pillow.

That at the end of the night, none of it had worked, Jung Kook is most likely an air.

But Taehyung made him realize how far he is from air though there is still some similarities and it is Seok Jin's needs, Taehyung made him realize that even if you can’t, you’re still not forbidden to have a hope.

But again, he shouldn’t suppose to feel hopeful.

Taehyung was about to take a bath but Jung Kook’s voice made him feel alive. “Can I stay beside you?” Jung Kook asked as he was just and inch apart from Taehyung.

Taehyung almost missed how Jung Kook’s eyes was in the verge of crying but he felt like Jung Kook is holding himself not to be completely vulnerable in front of him.

Taehyung playfully covered his body. “Are you falling for me now Mr. Jeon Jung Kook?”

Jung Kook hid his expression and him, as himself was too shocked why he is begging for human’s presence, he must be really desperate.

“Never mind.” Jung Kook turned his heels ready to accept the refusal, but Taehyung blocked his way.

“I’ll be quick, we’ll stay up all night, I promise.”

Jung Kook’s stomach flipped, he wanted to throw up, his heart isn’t beating normal, it was crushed by the words he just heard.

The word promise, he is close of breaking it fully, the promise that he made.

And he had known, all that is happening around him, except by the fact that he didn’t know why the incident happened to him, why does the incident happened to him wasn't the right question, because no one deserves it.

His question is, why people has to be angry to the point that they're willing to hurt another person? Was it worth it seeing someone suffering?

Being injured could be fine, marks and scratches will be fine, as long as he could still go back and wake up next to his husband’s arms.

That's a better choice. But what happened isn’t just a minor scratch nor a simple injury, but a critical situation being in coma for so long, being a soul for so long.

Did he regret catching the stone? Of course not, he will never overcome Seok Jin’s situation putted onto his, he will never survived it.

Taehyung was running the towel on his face as his gaze was focused at the floor to hide his puffy eyes. “I don’t need your tears for crying, I told you to be strong and never ever pitied my situation.”

Taehyung’s mouth agape, as his jaw clenched involuntarily. “Look into my eyes Jung Kook, and tell me...”

“Tell me if my eyes cried a lot of salted teardrops because I feel bad about you.”

“I will never, and concerned is the right word for your information.”

“I cried because of what happened to you! Why the fuck that person ruined both of your happiness?!”

Taehyung’s lips was trembling, his head was thrown as he looked at the ceiling, his tears is continuous the same as his rants. “I saw it! I saw it with my own eyes! How Seok Jin wants you back! How his hopes was built stronger day by day!”

“And I am telling you. I am willing to give up my love for him, j-just go back Jung Kook.” Taehyung is helpless as he sobbed, he wanted to shook Jung Kook, but he couldn’t and that sucks!

Jung Kook was in the same situation as Taehyung, he wanted to scream, but what’s the use of it if only Taehyung was the receiver of his wretched voice?

He wanted to hit him, pinch him to make him feel what he was saying, what he was asking for, but how? If he couldn’t? He can’t.

Jung Kook couldn’t help but let himself breakouts, he is miserable. “I want to, b-but nothing’s sure in my state, n-nothing…”

“So I am asking you again, don’t depends Seok Jin’s happiness to me, I, to myself isn’t sure.”

“Kim Taehyung, don’t give him up to an unsure man, don’t give him up and fight for him, be strong for him… Because if you’re going to give up too, do you think he’ll be happy again?”

“And if that happens? I’ll be double dead.” Jung Kook uttered ominously. Taehyung didn’t know how, what words are the best to put together to use at scolding Jung Kook.

He couldn’t find the paired words, he couldn’t give Jung Kook an assurance, he couldn’t say no either.

And the last thing he wanted to say… Is to ask why Jung Kook was saying like there’s something bad going to happen after he gave his answer that Jung Kook wanted to hear.

And that’s his priority, not to give it to him, and ignore him again like what he was doing at their events interactions.

Seok Jin loves him and that’s what Taehyung wanted to say to Jung Kook, but he didn’t want to hurt Jung Kook’s feelings more.

Taehyung watched from a lot of drama’s that soul being down and was feeling down, might affect their real body at the hospital.

So instead of saying a word, his hands stays on where Jung Kook’s was and hang his in the air for their hands to connect.

Taehyung felt chills but soon turned as warm and he didn't know or experienced that feeling before. Jung Kook is warm. “I won’t replace Seok Jin for you, note that out.” Jung Kook said sarcastically that made Taehyung chuckled. Because of what Taehyung's rraction after holding him made Jung Kook form the humorous statement.

“And I won’t either, can’t you just go back and let’s just fight physically? I want to hit you so bad!~”

Jung Kook’s hands is lingering for human’s touch, he couldn’t believe how he was craving for it than from his husband’s gesture. “Hit me or hit on me? That’s different no need to use my husband as an excuse.”


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