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Third Person POV:

“Hey, did I fell asleep here?” Seok Jin asked, Jung Kook nods his head as he looks lovingly at his husband while he tucked some strands of Seok Jin’s hair behind his ear.

“Yes Babe and you’re kind of heavy. My thighs are numb, I think? Its still early though you can still sleep.”

Seok Jin stood up as he fixed himself. “Its good that its still early, I need to catch up with the meetings and approvals that I need to sign, some papers I need to review. You know working with Kim’s is a big deal so I need to do a great job.”

Jung Kook frowned as Seok Jin hurriedly made his way to their room. “Working with Kim’s doesn’t mean we need to meet their demands, that you need to go to work so early, Jeon’s are big deal too, and you are my husband now so you shouldn’t do everything they wanted, I’m sure Kim Taehyung is just using business matter to get close to you–“

“Jung Kook didn’t we had a talk about this last night? What things are you so afraid about? I am just working there because of you, I don’t even have some knowledge about business related, dealings and approvals, but I am forced to do so, as your husband and take your place on your behalf for that responsibility.”

“You are not like that before, you don’t trust me now–“

“It’s not that I don’t trust you. Its just t-that I don’t trust him. He can steal you away from me if he wants to. He can do it and I’m afraid, that’s why I am being like this!”

“It’s not because I am just a paranoid husband of yours! I am threatened! Seok Jin he can give you some things that I can’t and you know that!”

Seok Jin gave Jung Kook a look of disbelief. “Do you think I am that easy? That I will go let him stick with me because of sex? Do you think we ended up getting married because you are good in bed? Because you can give me the pleasure I never experienced in my life, because you are my first?!”

“Jung Kook you are being unbelievable now! You are paranoid, you don’t trust me the way I trusts you and what I am angry about is you looking at how low I am for that stupid reason of yours!”

“I’ve decided to give us a try because of love. You made me feel loved and didn’t let me feel lonely.”

“And now this? You are seriously throwing away that trusts and love I invests to you just because we are business partners with Kim’s? Kim Taehyung to be exact?”

Jung Kook tried to approach Seok Jin but Seok Jin will just avoid Jung Kook’s hands trying to touch him.

Seok Jin then looked back at Jung Kook as he took a step passing Jung Kook. “You can come with me the whole day, you can watch me if I am doing something you are accusing me of.”

Jung Kook tried to speak more but Seok Jin was shutting him down, locking himself at the bathroom, locking himself at their room and when he is finally done, Jung Kook looked at him, blocking his way.

“Take care on your way, I’m going to check myself out. Don’t worry about me and enjoy the rest of your day. I’ll see if we can go home together.”

“I love you so much Babe, I’m so sorry, I-I’m just really afraid.” Jung Kook leans forward, even without saying anything he knows Seok Jin was just upset because he can still feel Seok Jin’s affection by closing his eyes, their lips touched as Seok Jin felt Jung Kook.

“I love you too, don’t overthink and trust me. You sure you’re not going with me? I’m okay if you want–“

“No, no. You are actually right. I should remove all of my doubts. I should trust you and stop being paranoid.” Seok Jin wiped his tears before he looked back at Jung Kook who is waving his hand for goodbye.

Seok Jin arrives at Jung Kook’s office and he is shocked to see Mr. and Mrs. Jeon sitting on the office couch unannounced. “Seok Jin son, we are sorry to be here that you are not aware of, we came here as we’ve discussed about your situation.”

“Are you happy here? I mean in our company instead of your own business? Just like how you are living your life before.” Seok Jin put down the bag hanging on his shoulder.

He then took a seat feeling uneasy. “I’m sorry but I don’t have any clue what is this all about Mom and Dad.”

Mr. Jeon put his hand on Seok Jin’s shoulder stroking it. Seok Jin noticed them sobbing and without him knowing he is crying with them.

“What we are going through isn’t easy, I don’t know how much you love my son, how you can handle his situation, because us? As his parents we are getting weaker and weaker everyday.”

“But Jung Kook as our only son keeps us fighting, its hard, but as long as you are here with us we can do this together, you are giving us the hope that we need, you are being strong outside but I know deep inside you, its also hard to keep on going as his husband.”

Seok Jin avoids their gaze, he wiped his tears. “Jung Kook will be alright, I trusts him. I know he loves me and we can still be happy together.”

“You are always here to cheer me up, you are always visiting our house to know my situation and I am telling you honestly, I am not always fine.”

“I have worries and I’m scared most of the time, b-but seeing Jung Kook, remembering how we’ve started is giving me hope everyday.”

“And now it’s my turn to cheer you up. We need to b-be strong for Jung Kook, we should have faith that Jung Kook will surely come back to us.”

Mrs. Jeon smile as she lean her head on Mr. Jeon’s shoulder. “Honey and I had a talk. We need to keep ourselves busy, you are Jung Kook’s husband but he is mostly spending his time with us.”

Seok Jin furrowed his brows as he straighten his back sitting straight looking curiously at Mr. Jeon. “From now on you are not obliged to come in our company everyday, we can handle this. Just spend time with Jung Kook. Talk to him and be with him, stay by his side.”

“But Mom what about the project you handed to me? W-What about the people–“

“Its my company, I should be the one handling it not letting you do it. You are still welcome here though, about the project. It's between me and Kim’s now so you don’t have to be involved.”

Seok Jin couldn’t do anything as he heard Mr. Jeon’s decision. And he had nowhere to go, he has a home but it doesn’t feel like one when Jung Kook is not around.

He felt so lonely, he felt like his life is going back to what it is before, his lonely life even if he is surrounded by the colorful theme of his kitchen on his bakery, he still has a dark life on his little swing inside his room.


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