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Third Person POV:

Yoongi grab Taehyung by his arms as he saw him looking carefully at the pictures hanging on the wall.

“The more you look the more it will hurt you.” Yoongi whispers and smiled at Seok Jin carrying the cake he made and on his other hand is Taehyung’s.

Taehyung saw how the cake he abandoned turned pretty well decorated.

“Act normal, you said you love him–“

“Yoongi!~” Seok Jin whined when he avoids eye contact with Taehyung and looks at Yoongi, embarrassed.

“Why? If he really loves you he must prove it, even if you saw no chance at all, don’t live with regrets Taehyung.”

“We all know what is happening to the Jeon's, they’re stressed out because of what happened, you too and you too. So am I?” Yoongi said as he pointed the fork to Seok Jin and Taehyung.

Yoongi hark back how he saw Taehyung stares at Seok Jin at one of the biggest events for the biggest people in the same business industry.

Yoongi too are also invited with that event because Seok Jin and Jung Kook persuade him to come with them but he just stayed focused and looked at how the people work and carry the cakes and other things he might apply with their future expansion, but an encounter of the three caught his attention.

One brave man approached the couple and even placed a kiss on top of Seok Jin’s hands that made Jung Kook looks at him like he is crazy blind to touch what's his.

And that crazy man is Kim Taehyung, ever since that day hearing or seeing Kim Taehyung’s name makes Jung Kook’s blood boil and even became possessive about Seok Jin that is his boyfriend that time.

Taehyung even visits Seok Jin’s bakery but he just saw Yoongi there who didn’t even give him a friendly approach.

Jung Kook was worried when Yoongi told him about what Taehyung did, he knows Seok Jin loves him but he’s not going to give Taehyung any chance to butt in between their relationship.

Jung Kook still managed to keep himself cool with Yoongi’s reassurance.

Yoongi then remember how he first saw Jung Kook at the place where he was told to treat it like home. He couldn’t believe new person got to step inside their home.

Yoongi can still remember how he got home from the seminar he attended only to have a sight of Seok Jin and a man leaning their heads to each other with the cake Seok Jin had made for him. “Kim Seok Jin, who is he?” Yoongi coldly asked glaring at Jung Kook’s sparkling eyes. “Yoongi this is Ju–“

“I got this.” Jung Kook whispers caressing Seok Jin’s arms and put their plates on the table. Yoongi caught that act and he didn’t liked it.

“You must be Yoongi, hi I’m Jeon Jung Kook, I like him and starting from now I will prove it to him and to you since you two are living together and are friends, hope we can be a good friends too.” Jung Kook said as offers his hand but Yoongi refused to cooperate with his friendly gestures.

Seok Jin grabs Jung Kook’s hands instead and gave him an apologetic look, Jung Kook wasn’t hurt but he must admit that Yoongi’s presence makes him shy but Seok Jin reassures him its all fine.

As Yoongi excused Seok Jin for a moment and locked themselves at Yoongi’s room. “You let him eat the cake you made for me, is he your new favorite person now? You said it will always be me?” Yoongi pouted as he look disappointed at Seok Jin.

“Look here Yoongi, you will always stay as my favorite person, my softest yet moody bestfriend and as my brother. I love you that way. B-But…”

“But Jeon Jung Kook is different? Is he better than me? Are you going to kick me out of your house and replace him to the place you gave me?” Yoongi uttered as his eyes starts to well up.

Seok Jin hugs him in panic. “N-No, not like that. Of course you two are different, I love you in a different way–“

“How about that Jeon Jung Kook? In what way do you love him?” Yoongi asked that made Seok Jin shy, he is so sure that just like what Jung Kook said to him, he also fell in love with Jung Kook at first sight.

Seok Jin had a hard time to catch up with Yoongi when Yoongi said he is going to be replaced by Jung Kook in any moment.

Jung Kook became worried the following days seeing Jin feeling so down, even if Seok Jin is holding back his tears to be strong in front of Jung Kook and kept himself normal around many people with Jung Kook’s soft voice that it will be alright with everything between him and Yoongi Seok Jin will burst out in tears.

Jung Kook knows, he felt how Seok Jin loves Yoongi so much and he has to do something for the both of them to go back the way they used to be.

So one day, Jung Kook gave Yoongi a visit when Seok Jin messaged him that he’s out for a grocery shopping.

Jung Kook took that chance to talk to Yoongi privately to reassured him he’s not going to take Seok Jin away from him. “What are you doing here cake culprit?” Yoongi said coldly when Jung Kook smiles in front of the counter.

Jung Kook had Seok Jin’s permission that he can go inside but he wants Yoongi to open the door for him because if he did its a sign that Yoongi is opening himself up to Jung Kook.

“Is that how you treat your customer here? They will be very disappointed if I got a chance to record this.”

Yoongi chuckled as he leans both of his arms at the counter tip toing to see Jung Kook closer. “You didn’t come here as a customer so don’t use that card, unless you’re going to buy something or even emptied this whole shelves–“

“Well I can do that, how much? Like all of it?” Yoongi was shocked hearing Jung Kook’s response thinking he is crazy, but then he realized that Jung Kook is rich as hell, he did some research.

He might not convince Seok Jin to kick him out in his life but he is so sure that Jung Kook can convince Seok Jin to come and live with him and leave Yoongi alone at the place where he found a family.

“I heard that you just came back from the seminar, you know I am courting your friend right? I am actually here to ask some of your help, I want to give him a romantic dinner with the cakes that I made by myself.”

“But I don’t have any knowledge about it, I can just ask Mom to help me and find me a best mentor about this but you know its such a waste of money–“

“And you came to me thinking that I’m free? You’re wrong with that, I am more than expensive than them and we are talking about my gem here!” Yoongi spats talking about Seok Jin.


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