"I didn't learn one," said Pidge.

"I think I might have forgotten a lesson," Lance said, scratching his head in thought.

 "I'm the most responsible one here, and even I didn't learn my lesson," Shiro pointed out.

Keith laughed. "Good, because neither did I." He pulled up the coordinates. "Let's do this."


They pinointed the signal to the ruins of a city. There were no signs of life - no Blades, no Galra. No one. What's more, the city seemed to have been destroyed by magic.

They were walking amid the wreckage when Kosmo froze, his nose sniffing the air. He turned to a piece of broken pillar and jumped over it, snarling. Violet and the others followed. Kosmo had someone pinned down - an alien wearing a mask and ragged clothes.

"Good boy, Kosmo," Violet said happily before rounding on the man. "You're not Kolivan. Are you a Blade? Do you know who sent the distress code?"

"I did," the man replied, "And I can tell you everything if you get this dog ... thing ... off of my chest."

"We should see what he can tell us," Krolia suggested. Keith's eyes narrowed, but he lowered his bayard.

The man took them to a cave in the ruins and built a fire. There were rags and insects buzzing around, discarded bowls of half-eaten food strewn about.

"This cave stinks," Violet commented.

The alien looked at her. "I have lived in it for over two years."

Violet coughed. "Terrible in a nice way, I mean. I, er, love the aroma of dead flies. Very relaxing."

The man peered at her. "Thank you. It has been a long time since I have had guests ... and an Erythian at that. I thought they'd been wiped out long ago."

"We're grateful that you let us stay in your home," Shiro said, "But let's cut to the chase. How did you send the signal? Who even are you?"

"Madicus," the man said. "I am Madicus. And I am the sole survivor of the ruin that laid waste to this planet."

"Oh, joy," Violet muttered. "Why is it that everywhere we go there was a massacre or an invasion or something? Can't we just arrive at a peaceful planet for once?"

"If they were peaceful, there'd be no point in visiting them," Pidge pointed out.

"Yeah, but..." Violet trailed off as something caught her eye. A glimmer from the side of the room, reflected off the firelight. She stood, moving closer. A rag covered a part of the wall; she drew it aside.

Blades. Daggers and swords stuck into the side of the cave with the Marmora insignia on each and every one of them. Violet jerked back, recognizing the one in the center. Kolivan's blade.

She spun around, wrenching Kol's dagger from the wall and aiming it at Madicus. "What are you doing with these?" she demanded. "This is Kolivan's blade. Where is he?"

Madicus chuckled lowly. "Alive. Barely - his life should be snuffed out soon enough."

The paladins drew their bayards, taking defensive stances. "Who are you really?" Violet challenged.

"You don't remember me?" asked Madicus. "Shame. You were quite small when I found you, though."

He stood, pulling off his hood. Violet watched in confusion as his face was revealed. And then it clicked.

A scream of fury tore from her throat and she threw herself at Madicus. He vanished into dark smoke before she could reach him, appearing at the other side of the room.

Brighter Than the Stars: A Voltron Fanfic (Keith X OC)Where stories live. Discover now