76: Childhood

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It was normal for people to play and have fun when they were kids. Seto watches kids his own age play outside his window from his room. They were laughing as they chased one another. He took a couple more seconds to stare before looking down at his notebook. It was filled with notes that he wrote down from books that his teacher gave him.

His teacher was the Wielder of the past Virtues. Protecting his generation of Virtues was his duty.

"Yes... I have to do my homework..." Seto muttered to himself as he turned the page to his textbook. He was tired but he had to keep going. He had to make sure he's able to assist the Virtues.

His gaze went to the window again, seeing that the two kids disappeared or behind the three next to his window. There was another kid that came to view. His appearance caught Seto's attention. His hair was flashy blonde, easily standing out. His eyes were bright blue. He noticed Seto staring at him and he smiled and waved.

Seto was caught off guard, averting his gaze back to his desk. When he peeked again, that boy was gone.

The next day, he was studying. He saw a flash of blonde in the corner of his eye. Seto looked over and saw the same kid again.

Once he saw that Seto noticed him, he waved and beamed at him.

He opened his mouth, mouthing the words:

'My... name... is... Brice!'

Seto stared at him for a few seconds before he decided to answer.

'My... name... is... Seto.'

Brice squinted his eyes as he looked like he was processing what Seto had said. His eyes lit up as he showed a thumbs up.

'Wanna... play?' He mouthed.

Seto blinked. It was a strange question. He never played before. His eyes darted back to his desk filled with things he had to do.

He shook his head, lowering his eyes.

Brice seemed upset since he stormed off.

His teacher will be disappointed if he wasn't good enough. It was his duty afterall.

There was a knock that startled Seto. He looked at the window to find Brice there with a mischievous smile on his face. He had climbed the tree, dangerously on the branch that stretched out to his window. His room was on the third floor.

There was a crack and the branch shook. Brice panicked as he realized that it wasn't going to hold on. Seto's eyes widened as he jumped out of his chair. He threw open the windows just as the branch gave out, falling down along with Brice.

At this age, Seto hasn't fully developed his abilities. He jumped out of the window without thinking as his body glowed purple faintly. His arm reached out to extend his aura to Brice and his body glowed purple.

Unfortunately, it was too much to handle. The two of them crashed to the ground below them. His aura did act as a cushion for both of them, leaving them with only minor scratches and bruises.

Seto got up, brushing his clothes. "Why... Why did you do that?!" He asked him. "You could have broken your bones..."

"Hehe.. But we didn't!" Brice smiled, getting up from the ground.

Seto almost blurted out how he used his ability, stopping himself before he said anything.

Brice motioned to Seto. "Come on, let's go play!"

(editting) Minecraft's 7 Deadly SinsTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang