85: Horde

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(Note: I realized Jason's Artifact name changed in the middle. From Azure Hymn to Ocean Hymn. It will now be known as Ocean Hymn)

Envy and Jason had grown restless and increasingly worried. No one had shown up for a while now.

"I'm going to look around." Envy announced, standing up from the stone slab he had been sitting on. "My abilities have been stabilized."

"Huh...? You're going, En—Acheron?" Jason was still getting used to saying Envy's real name."

"Y-yes..." Envy stammered, having been caught off guard. He cleared off his throat quickly. "I'm just going to check through the ripples quickly to see if anyone's there."

"Let me go with you!" Jason said, jumping up from his own sitting spot.

Envy shook his head. "It'll be better if you stay here. I'll know exactly where you are in case something happens."

Jason insisted on coming but Envy refused.

"It'll be quick." Envy replied to his pleas. He opened up a ripple and went through it. He looked around, trying to spot if there was anyone there. It was an open plain and there was no one in sight.

"I won't have any luck looking in random places..." Envy muttered. He opened up another ripple, bringing him to a small town. Envy took a short stroll through it, finding nothing but broken-down buildings.

Envy opened up another one, stepping into another town that's in ruins. He took a walk around, finding nothing again. He let out a sigh as he raised his hand to form another ripple.

Before he could form one, he heard a noise.

Envy looked around, alarmed. His eyes fall on a broken-down house with the door shut closed. He carefully makes his way towards it.

Envy stops in front of it, feeling an ominous presence. It was somewhat familiar, making him more on edge.

"Who's there...?" Envy called out.

No reply.

Envy wonders if it's best to run back through the ripple. No... I'll run the risk of them going through the ripple as well...

The door suddenly creaked open and Envy prepared to fight.


That voice... is...

"S... sorcerer...?!"

The door flung open and Seto stepped out of the house, clearly surprised to see Envy there.

Something had changed with Seto. Envy could tell but he doesn't know what. He decided to let it go through.

"Are the Virtues with you?" Envy asked him.

Seto shook his head. "No, but I came across two friends along the way..."

Envy can see two other people in the doorway. A blonde with blue eyes and a black-haired man with dark eyes. He didn't detect anything off about those two.

Looks like they're normal humans... The sorcerer must have a reason to bring them along.

Envy scowled, noticing the state of the three of them. They were injured with bandages over their bodies.

"Let's hurry and meet up with Jason so he can heal those injuries." Envy said, quickly forming a ripple in front of him.

Seto led the two through the ripple and Envy entered last, making sure they went through.

Jason perked up when he saw the ripple form in front of him. "Acheron did you find any—" He paused, seeing that it wasn't Envy that walked through but someone else entirely.

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