109: Future

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"It's the flaws that make the world perfect."

A kid sat on the bench, watching a man on the bench across from him mumble in his sleep.

There was a young girl, not so far away in the same park. Though bound in a wheelchair, she held a cheerful smile.

"Here you go, girlie." The candy man leaned down and offered her a bag of goodies. "But you know you shouldn't be eating candy every day, it's bad for your teeth."

The girl accepted the bag with glee. "Don't worry mister! I brush my teeth every day and night."

The candy man smiled as he watched her wheel herself away. One of her wheels suddenly got caught in a crack, causing her to slide off the wheelchair. At the same time, a man in plain clothes was passing by and she crashed into his legs.

His eyes widened as he watched one of her wheels get caught in a crack, causing her to slide off and fall onto the sidewalk. At the same time, a man in plain clothes was walking by and she crashed into his legs.

"O-oow..." She tears up when she sees her bag of candies scattered all over the pavement.

"Hey..." The girl looks up to see a black-haired man glaring down at her.

The candy man hurried out of his stand to confront the scary-looking man. "Sir, it was an accident!" Before he reached them, the man extended his arm.

"Are you okay?" He asked.

Taken back in surprise, the candy man pauses. He let out a sigh of relief before he went back to his stand. The man was mean-looking but he had a good heart.

The girl barely heard him, staring up at the man in awe. She nodded slowly. "Y.. yeah..."

The black-haired man straightens her wheelchair before lifting her up and putting her in it. He picked up the candies and put them back in the bag.

"Be careful next time." He muttered as he handed over the bag. He turned around and began to walk away.

"W-wait, mister!" The girl called out. "Y... your eyes.. they're the same as mine..."

The man stops and turns back to her, taking in her appearance.

She had bright curly orange hair that goes down to her neck. She is dressed in a pale blue dress with white ribbons, long orange socks, and white sneakers.

Her eyes were beautiful and unique. He never saw anyone else with the same eyes. Hers were both orange and blue colored eyes. The man's eyes were yellow and red.

Oddly, he felt a connection to the little girl. It may be because of the eyes. Or perhaps they met each other in another life. The girl felt it too, feeling as if they were related.

"What's your name?" He asked her.

"Hehe, my name's Alanna." Alanna smiled widely. "How about yours?"

"My name is Cedric." He said before turning back to walking.

Cedric let out a sigh. Alanna was behind him, rolling the wheels. In a situation like this, he would have been happy that she acted like everyone else. Everyone was afraid of him just because of how scary he looked. He wouldn't even call his smile a smile at all. It's just the way he was born.

He stopped on the sidewalk and glanced back at the girl. "What are you doing?" He asked.

"I like you, mister Cedric!" Alanna exclaimed. "Can we be friends, please?"

"Sure, go away now." Cedric said, trying to shoo her away. "I have somewhere to go."

"Where are you going? Can I come?"

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