74: Chasm

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"This isn't good..." Jerome sighed as he plopped down to the ground. "Nothing here remotely looks like back home."

As much as Sky didn't want to admit it, Jerome was right. He sighed as he sat down to rest as well. They've been trying to find landmarks which they can use as a guide to get back to this realm's version of their kingdom. So far, there's no luck.

The two didn't know what happened. They went through the ripple but no one else appeared besides them.

"I wonder how things are back home..." Sky muttered. It slipped his mind due to everything else happening. It must be bad. With all of them gone this long, everyone must be Affected. However, the threat of Herobrine and the Sins is greater.

"We only needed to find Mitch and Ty but now we're all separated." Jerome said, clearly getting frustrated. "How are we supposed to get back now?!"

"We'll find a way back to everyone, don't worry." Sky assured him. "We can't be that far away."

The ground began to shake and the two stood up quickly. "An-another one?!" Jerome exclaimed. The ground shifted below their feet as they tried to stay upright. It split into two, creating a massive fissure.

Jerome grabbed Sky to pull him to his side and quickly backed away as it grew bigger in both length and size. The two ran for it as large areas behind them cracked and caved in, falling into the earth. They only slowed down when they needed to catch their breath.

It took a while before everything went back to normal.

"This is on a whole different level..." Jerome couldn't believe his eyes. It had created a huge fissure in the ground that stretched for miles.

"Jerome, look over there!" Sky pointed in the opposite direction. There was a town but it's houses collapsed. "We might find where we are."

The two head towards the town, carefully navigating the cracked grounds. It took them a while but as they got closer, it was clear that not only were the houses in ruins but what they were seeing was only a portion of the town.

"The quakes caused this?!"

The last fissure was huge but the one before them is on another scale.

Jerome slowly walks towards the edge.

"Jerome, what are you doing?" Sky called out. He watched nervously as Jerome stood on the edge. Jerome peered over, expecting to see the bottom.

His eyes widened at what he saw. It was deep. Too deep to the point where light can't even reach it. It was just complete darkness. It gave off an ominous feeling. Jerome shuddered uncontrollably.

He couldn't help but feel uneasy. Something was awfully unsettling about this but he doesn't know why. Jerome couldn't look anymore. He staggered back from the edge and quickly retreated.

"Jerome... are you alright?" Sky asked, noticing how pale Jerome had become. "Did you see anything?"

Jerome shook his head. "No... there was nothing... I can't believe the quakes formed that.. It's too deep."

"This realm really is falling apart like what Envy said..." Sky took a look around the area, looking to see what's left of the town. There was evidence that it was a big town with large stone roads and sidewalks. The roads and sidewalks were broken but it was still apparent. All that's left of the town was a few ruined houses with a couple of them dangerously hovering over the edge.

There are a number of large towns back in their own world. The question is which one it is. Sky spotted a person in ragged and torn clothing, climbing up on one of the houses near the edge. Jerome spotted them as well.

(editting) Minecraft's 7 Deadly SinsDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora