38: The Future

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Every second that passes gets him agitated. It was irritating at the very least.

I lost hom! Envy's aura was emitting without him noticing. He was too angry to notice. Not only that, the sorcerer is with him! How... How did he get in here?!

"How.... how?!" Envy shouted out into the sky. His eyes flared up angrily as he did so.

"Things were going well... that Virtue and I were getting along. I was going to learn more about him..." He muttered angrily.

Envy thought back when he first met the Sorcerer.

I should have killed him from the beginning.

He shut his eyes, taking deep breaths.

"It's alright... They can't leave here." Envy told himself, as if to console himself. "I have already blocked exits."

A wave of sadness came over Envy. Of course Kindness would choose his friends over me... He thought, bitterly. After all, we have only met a while ago... that must be it.

"You seem to be stressed, Invidia."

The voice belonged to Lust who was standing behind him. He smiled smugly, leaning against a tree.

"You.... what are you doing here?" Envy hissed.

"I almost forgot about this." Lust holds up his arm which by now is almost healed from what Jason did to it. "To share something like that to the Virtue... He must be important to you."

Envy watches him carefully. "Why did you follow me..?"

"I'm here to ask for a favor." Lust answered.

Envy's eyes narrowed. "I'm not doing anything for you.

"That's what I thought you'd say. That Virtue... what was his name....?" He questioned. "He seems to be a nice human. It would be terrible if the other Sins get to him first." Lust dramatically clutched at his chest.

"Y... you...." Envy clenches his fists. "What... are you trying to say...?"

"Don't forget Invidia, Ira is still wandering around. What do you think will happen if he comes across the Virtue?" Lust goes on. "Let's see... Avaritia, surely he will go and check them out." He pauses. "And... there's me."

Black smoke emits from Envy's hands. Calm down.... Calm down... He told himself. He's trying to control me.

"I almost had him." Lust continued. "If his friends weren't there to save him, who knows what will happen?" A wide smile played on his face.

"You have a death wish, Luxuria?" Envy asked, in a calm tone that doesn't match his emotions. "I'll get rid of you today."

"Get rid of me? Can you even do that?" Lust laughed out loud. His eyes seemed to glow blue as his tone turned serious. "After all, you are the weakest Sin."

A black ball formed by Envy's side, slowly morphing itself into a skull. It hurled itself towards Lust who leaped away. The skull exploded as soon as it impacted with the ground where Lust was.

"Come on, Invidia~ You know those are too slow to hit me." Lust smirked. "It's a miracle that Virtue is alive... How could someone this weak even protect anything? He laughed at the end of his taunts.

Envy's aura flared as his body shook with rage. "Kindness is under my protection." He shouted out without thinking. He stops, scowling. No... wasn't this whole ordeal was to become the Vir

"So you admit it?" Lust asked, breaking line of thoughts.. "That you're defending a Virtue?"

"No...." Envy muttered. "I was... "

"Hmm.... I could be that connection, the urge on that day—to see your counterpart." Lust said slowly. "That was the day when the realms started to merge."

"What...? You too...?" Envy thought he was the only one that wanted to see his counter. "What do you mean the realms are merging?!"

"How strange... I thought the Opener would have known." Lust chuckled. "It must be easier opening ripples to go to the human realm. Haven't you noticed that?"

It was true. Although Acedia informed him that he could open an entry to the other side, the only thing he can do is make ripples that take him from one place to another in the same realm. It was only until he felt a strange urge to see his other half when he finally opened the ripple that bought him to the human realm.

"The two are merging together...?" Envy muttered. "I thought this realm was collapsing..."

"The collapse will be the start of the merge." Lust said. "It's quite obvious what will happen next..."

"What will happen.... Next...?"

Lust's eyes gleamed excitedly as he spread out his arms.

"The awakening of Father."

(editting) Minecraft's 7 Deadly SinsWhere stories live. Discover now