40: Goal

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"Seto, are you she we can get back if we find the same ripple we came out of?"

Seto sighs. "I'm not entirely sure but it's worth a shot."

The three were heading back to the Mirror version of the kingdom which is in ruins.

"Be on the lookout for other ripples." He added.

So far, they haven't found any ripples around them. Jason looks up to see two distant figures, walking down towards them.

"G-guys!" Jason pulled Sky and Seto behind a few trees. "Get down!" They were confused but they kneeled down with Jason, their bodies hidden by bushes.

"What's wrong Jason?" Sky asked. "Did you see—"

Jason puts a finger on his lips, hushing Sky. After a few moments, there was a pair of footsteps.

They froze, wondering if the footsteps belonged to Sins. If they were to be discovered here, the chances of them escaping is low.

They hold their breath, hoping that they would pass on by.

A single voice rang through the air.

"Are you telling the truth?"

It was a familiar voice. All three of them have heard it before.

It was Ian's voice.

Jason's face broke out into a smile in relief. He was about to stand up to greet Ian but Seto stopped him, shaking his head frantically.

"Of course I am, Virtue." Another voice spoke.

The three's eyes widened as they heard this voice.

"I.... don't know if I can trust you."

"If I wanted you dead, you would have died a long time ago."

The footsteps and voices grew farther and farther apart.

"Th.. that was Ian, right!?" Sky whispered. "Who... who is he with?"

Seto peeks out, seeing the back of Ian and some other figure. "Judging from the way he spoke... Ian could be with a Sin."

"What should we do...?" Jason asked.

How did Ian end up here? Seto thought. Something must have happened....

"We need to save him!".

"How can we fight against a Sin, Sky?" Seto asked. "You lost your sword to Lust too."

"We can't leave without Ian." Jason protested. "He's being forced to go with him...." He recalls how Lust forced him to walk with him. His heart went out to Ian as Jason sent him a silent prayer.

"Let's follow them for now. We can't lose track of them." Seto said.

They follow the two from far back, darting from tree to tree and slowly creeping forward. Seto would have followed closer but this was the safest distance. If any closer, he's afraid the Sin would be able to sense them.

"Hey Jason... Do you know which Sin is that?" Sky asked. "He doesn't look like us."

"Could he be Sloth...? Maybe that's why he's with Ian." Jason suggested.

"I thought the Sins were supposed to look similar to ourselves?"

"Jason... Sky... I got an idea to get Ian back." The two turns to Seto. "It's a bit risky."


Quentin and Ty slept in the same room while Mitch and Jerome slept in the room next to them. They all agreed that staying in pairs would be safer.

The people were growing worse everyday. There was not much they could do to calm them down.

Ty woke up, slowly rising from his bed. He glances over at Quentin who was on the other side of the room. He was snoring lightly, sound asleep.

He slips out of bed and grabs his shoes off the floor. Ty opens the door slightly to see if anyone is out. The hallways are dark and it doesn't seem like anyone is walking about.

He heads out, anxiously looking around as he walks down the hallway. He had received another vision. The figure called him to an area which was rather far from the kingdom.

Ty was still unsure to trust the figure as it was most likely a Sin. But looking at their current situation, the others don't seem to be coming back.

Are they dead? He shook his head, not wanting to believe it.

"No... they can't be...." Ty muttered under his breath.

He steps out to the outside but not before slipping on his shoes. There were few people awake, shouting and yelling at each other.

Ty started slowly walking at first, before running.

I'm sorry....

He continued running, never looking back.

That I never told you guys I will be leaving....

That feeling of guilt never left him but he tried to justify it, telling himself that he's going to save others.

By the time he reached the place he had to stop since he was out of breath. Ty looks around, trying to spot the ripple that the voice had told him about.

After a few minutes, he couldn't find it.

Ty's heart dropped. Did.... he lie?

"No.... no way...." Ty whispered. He continued looking and finally, he found it. It was hidden away behind a tree trunk.

He stared at the warping space, contemplating on what others would say.

He smiles sadly as he couldn't think of anything.

"I'm a bad lead, aren't I?"

(editting) Minecraft's 7 Deadly SinsWhere stories live. Discover now