Chapter 38 : Remembrance

Start from the beginning

''I am sorry for this failed attempt at an escape. Next time I promise I will run faster.'' Yu spat back, venom in her voice.

''At least your resolve is befitting of a queen. Unfortunately, you're forcing me to beat it out of you. I'm sorry my love, but this is for your own good.'''

The man ripped out the bandana covering her eyes and stared at her with blood red eyes.

''Suffer.'' His voice ordered and an indescribable pain crashed through her body, like she was burning from the inside out.

The memory faded but she was still at the same place, although she felt more tired, like a long time had passed and all the hope she had for life had been sucked out of her. She felt resigned to die.

The man crouched in front of her and caressed her cheek soflty.

''Good girl. Now say how sorry you are...''

She obeyed without even a thought, like a recorder hidden in her throat had spewed out an answer for her.

''I am so sorry, I beg you, please forgive me, I never meant to leave you.'' Yu spoke her voice so desperate she barely recognised it.

''Atta girl...'' the man said before pushing a strand of her hair away. ''You didn't know better I can'T hold it against you, you're just a bit naïve that's all.'' The man said while uncuffing her.

She leaped into his arms and cried as he rubbed her back. Once her sobs had slowed down, the man lifted her chin up softly and locked his red eyes with her.

''Love me.'' He ordered and Yu felt her mind fill with fog.

The word ''love'' floated in the air and the memory faded. The man appeared agains, but he looked a couple of years younger, and his eyes were a dark brown. Most shocking of all; his expression was kind and Yu felt absolutely no fear in his presence.

''Is that for me?'' the man asked while holding a small dead hare.

''I hunted it all by myself!'' Yu explained proudly, her voice seemed much younger and the man in front of her looked much taller than she was.

''It's your first game sweetie, it belongs to you.'' The man explained while ruffling her hair.

''They say a rabbit leg can be used as a good luck charm, so I want you to have it!'' she replied, pouting.

''I appreciate the sentiment, but I don't need luck.'' The man replied cockily.

''You said it yourself! Refusing a gift is bad manners! I want you to have it so keep it!'' Yu argued.

''Why me?'' the man asked while leaning down at her.

''Because I love you, Jay!'' she said making the man blush.

He lifted her in his arms and spun her around lightly.

''I love you too, Yuki!''


That was her real name. the name she was given at birth, the name another familiar voice used to call her. 

The decor changed agains and she was in a wooden building, warmed up by a big fireplace. It spelled like pine and cedar and it felt warmer than anyhting she could remembered; it felt like home.

''It's not fair! I always get the tough parts of the meat...'' she heard herself complain, her voice sounded clearly childish now.

She was so small her legs weren't even touching the ground while she sat in her chair at the table.

''You know Yuki, the elders, who don't' have as good teeth as you do, need to eat softer meat, rich in nutrient to stay healthy. Since you're young and healthy, you having to chew a little more is completely fair, you see.'' A warm male voice explained.

The man sitting across her was ageless but felt old. His hair was black with a couple of gray strands across his short beard and his eyes were the same golden brown as Yuki's.

''I guess you're right.''

The man looked around discreetly and gave a piece of meat from his own plate to his daughter and she started scoffing down the slightly less chewy meat.

''A good leader has to think of their own people before they think of themselves. Helping others is hard at first, but the more you do it, the more naturally it will come to you. Eventually, you will know how to help people before they even realise that they need your help. '' her father said with a kind smile.

''A leader has to be strong too!'' Yu said with an eager smile. ''And you're the strongest of them all!''

''I'm not the warrior I used to be, you'll catch up to me in no time.'' the man said.

''Let's go play chase after dinner! This time I'm sure I'll catch you!'' Yu said enthusiastically.

''Sure let's go for a run!'' the man said before ruffling her hair.

''RUN!'' her father yelled.

The scene had changed again, it was night and she was sprinting as fast as she could.

Two wolves had jumped on her father and she could hear them fighting as she tried to run back to the village.

Suddenly, it was silent, and she turned to see her father's head rolling off on the forest floor and the blood covered face of a nightmarish black wolf with eyes redder than the liquid soaking his teeth.

Yuki's blood froze in her veins and her instincts took over as she fled the scene, hoping to find some help in the village.

When she made it to the clearing of the village, it smelled like blood and the corpses of her people were scattered around; elders, adults, and children alike, dismembered and mauled, in puddles of dark blood.

Her stomach churned and she fell to her knees, vomiting from the shock of the scene she had just witnessed.

She felt a warm breath on her neck and her blood froze in her veins.

''Please... Don't kill me...'' her little voice cried.

A hand landed on her shoulder, and she turned around slowly, terrified to see the beast behind her.

Her eyes met the glowing red orbs of the lycan and she couldn't even think anymore.

''It was only a dream, none of the people who died tonight ever existed. Forget them. Forget your father. Trust me.'' The voice ordered as fog filled Yuki's mind.

''I'm Jay, I'm your friend. Do you remember me?'' the man said with a kind smile.

Yuki shook her head no.

''It's okay. We'll make plenty of new memories. You got lost, but I'll bring you back home, alright?'' Jay said before grabbing the girl in his arms and pressing her head in the crook of his shoulder so she wouldn't see the horror of her surroundings.

''It smells like blood, I'm scared.'' Yuki whined.

''It's okay, you're safe with me. I'll kill every bad guy who tries to get in between us. Try to keep your eyes closed for now, okay?'' Jay asked her while running his fingers through her hair.

Yuki was so frightened and confused that the only thing she could do was nod and squeeze her eyes shut.

''Good girl.''


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