Lance's hand closed over hers, right where the scar had been. He said softly, "You changed, Vi. A lot. So my only advice is this: some scars run deeper than just skin. Those scars, those things that make you whole - nothing can take them away. You might be different on the outside, but inside you're still the same. Remember that, okay?"

Violet threw her arms around him. "I don't deserve you," she said, half-laughing half-sobbing. "Honestly, Lance. You're the best friend anyone could ask for."

Lance returned the embrace, chuckling. "I know." He pulled away, examining her. "It's a lot to take in. How are you holding up?"

"I'm not sure," Violet replied. "I remember what happened before – everything. Bits and pieces." Lotor's face, twisted with madness. Shiro's eyes, wholly un-Shiro. Whips of pure light. And Keith.

"I'm alright, though," she added. "As much as I can be."

"Thank god," said Lance, and wrapped his arms around her again. Violet sank into the embrace, closing her eyes. "Because everyone else is really mad at you for trying to get yourself killed. Again." He paused, the familiar ghost of a smirk flashing across his face. "And before you work up the nerve to ask, yes, Keith is okay, and no, he's not going to act like the spectacular ass he was the last time this happened."

Violet choked on a laugh. "Do you think they'll forgive me?"

"Only one way to tell." Lance offered her his hand. "They're in the lounge. You coming?"

She smiled, taking his hand. "Always."


When they got to the lounge, Lance, Pidge, Hunk, Romelle and Coran had just gotten back from some odd mishap with yalmors. Keith was nowhere to be found – Violet tried to ignore that fact. All the paladins were overjoyed to see Violet back on her feet - she knew they'd all feared that she wouldn't wake up for another four months again. Shiro brought Violet up to speed on what had happened while she'd been out.

"I haven't been here for the past months," he explained. "When we fought Zarkon and I disappeared from my lion - it was because I had died. The black lion stored my essence inside it, but the person you found with Keith wasn't me. It was a clone, sent by Haggar to destroy Voltron."

Violet's eyes widened as he spoke. "When Keith cut off the clone's arm before you fought Lotor," Shiro continued, "It severed Haggar's connection. While the others were off battling Yalmors, Allura was able to transfer my essence from the black lion into the clone's body. And here I am."

"That's ... surreal," Violet said, her fingers straying to her shoulder, where she'd been wounded. "But you're you now?"

He smiled. "I'm me."

Violet let out a choked laugh and flung herself into his arms. Shiro hugged her back, letting her lean on him.

Violet said softly, "Did you - did you go to the in-between? When you died? That ... that place between this life and the next."

Shiro pulled away to look her in the eyes. "Yeah. In the seconds before Blacky saved my life. You were there too, weren't you?"

She nodded, eyes falling to the floor. "I - I think I've been there before."

"It's okay. You can always come to me if you want to talk about it."

"Thank you, Shiro," Violet said, lifting her gaze. "You ... it's good to have you back."

His face softened. "You, too."


"As long as you don't try to kill yourself again," said Lance, "We'll forgive you."

Brighter Than the Stars: A Voltron Fanfic (Keith X OC)Where stories live. Discover now