"Taking your memories was a precaution. I couldn't allow you to slip up and reveal that you were working for me, and if you were caught, you could be traced back to me. I passed you off as a prisoner aboard Sendak's ship so when the people who'd found the blue lion came for the red one, you could follow them and join their group." He smiled and offered his hand to her. "And you did. You infiltrated Voltron and now I'm telling you that your mission is complete."

The world had stopped moving. Violet could hear her heart pounding, thudding through her chest; she could feel the cold air brushing her forearms, watch the world hold its breath.

Lotor's words floating through her brain, not registering. Your mission is complete. Your mission is complete. Your mission is complete.

Violet felt like she couldn't breathe. Everything she'd done - waking up in her cell, breaking out, joining Voltorn, fighting with them - it was all Lotor's plan? He'd purposely let her go - sent her off to find Voltron. Which she had done. She'd handed Voltron over to him without even knowing it.

And now he was asking her to come back. Violet stared at his upturned palm, the scars and calluses flitting across it. How many times had he done this? She's taken his hand. Every single time, she'd given in and joined him. Every. Single. Time.

Not today.

Violet's finger closed over his - and pushed his hand away. "I stand with Voltron," she said, feeling her spine straighten, her voice harden at the truth of the words. "Not with you. And as long as I live, I will never, ever go back."

For a second, he just looked surprised. Then his face darkened. "We'll see about that."

Violet didn't have time to block the blow that came; didn't have time to stop it as Lotor shoved her back. He pushed her so violently she skidded across the ship until her back hit the far wall. "Lotor, wh-"

He tapped a button on his wristband, and a shimmering wall of light appeared before her. Violet sat up and tried to go through it. It wouldn't budge.

Her panic rose - he'd trapped her. "What are you doing?"

"I no longer have any use for Voltron," Lotor said, something dark and vile curling his words. "I am parting ways with them." He began to fly the ship, maneuvering it out of the void.

"Lotor, you can't!" Violet slammed one of her blades into the force field confining her to the corner of the ship, but it rebounded off the wall of light. "This is madness! You will destroy everything!"

"Destruction is the birth of creation," Lotor replied. "I did not want to take you against your will. But it appears I must. You are far too valuable to me, Violet, to let you keep messing around with Voltron. You are destined for more."

Fear curdled in her gut. He really would force her to come back.

"Not so fast, Lotor." Keith's voice cut through her headset. "You're not going anywhere with Violet."

Lotor glared as Voltron entered the void. "How did you get here?"

"Vi forgot to turn off her earpiece," Lance answered with a shrug. "There was interference from the rift, but Pidge tuned it out. We got to hear your whole villainous monologue."

Violet let out a short, surprised laugh, thankful she'd never managed to figure out how to use her communication device. "Vi, are you alright?" Allura asked.

"Lotor has me trapped aboard his ship," Violet replied, glaring at her former friend. "But I'll be fine."

"Then we can't destroy the ship," said Keith. "Vi's still in it."

Lotor went on the defensive. "Today doesn't have to end in bloodshed," he said, facing Voltron. "I am not your enemy. I want to use the energy in the rift to end my people's war and spread peace throughout the kingdom. Nothing is different."

"Nothing is different?" Allura repeated disbelievingly. "You stole Violet's memories and planted her in a ship's cell so she could infiltrate Voltron!"

Violet winced. "You heard that, huh?"

"You're a monster, Lotor," finished Allura. "Just like your father."

"I am nothing like my father!" Lotor hissed, infuriated. "I will destroy Voltron, and once I do, I will build a new universe. I will wipe Voltron from the history books until all anyone knows is me, their emperor, and Violet - my blade."

"She is no one's blade to wield," Keith snapped back. "People are more than weapons and knives. You'd better get that through your head before one of them stabs you in the heart." He added in disgust, "If you even have one."

"Lotor, please," Violet said. "The quintessence is poisoning you. This isn't what you want. I would never bow to you against my will. Please. Don't ruin everything between us. We were friends. We still can be."

Lotor faltered - but then the darkness rose again in his eyes, and he spat at her, "You might never bow to me. But you would if you couldn't remember why not."

Violet's blood went cold. "You don't have Narti anymore. She can't take my memories."

"I can find another way." Lotor's eyes glinted with madness. "The power of the quintessence field will allow me to be capable of anything."

Violet's throat closed, the words she'd been about to say dying on her tongue. He was right - he could do anything he wanted with the energy stored in the rift. Why, why, why had she thought this would be a good idea?

"Every one of my enemies will fall before me," Lotor said angrily. "Starting with Voltron!" He pushed forward on the ship's controls. There was a whir, and the trans-reality ship began to change.

"What's happening?" Hunk asked.

Violet went pale. "Oh, no."

The ship's gears turned, thrusters folding in on themselves, metal plates sliding into tiny grooves Violet hadn't made. The trans-reality ship was no longer a ship. Lotor stood before them piloting a weapon as tall as Voltron.

"This ends now," said Lotor. "I didn't want to have to do this. But you've made your choice."

The monster attacked, and the battle began.

Brighter Than the Stars: A Voltron Fanfic (Keith X OC)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin