Miles away, my always.

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- would you regret falling inlove to someone miles away from you?


Jisoo groans stressfully as she tossed her headphones aside, she clenched her jaw and closes her eyes. Trying to calm down herself at another loss in her game.

She wasn't having fun, she's been playing the whole day and in each and every round she kept losing. Thanks to her friends lisa and rosé who isn't a great player like she is.

The two were just enjoying and makes it as there little waste of time, while jisoo, as a gamer, she takes it seriously.

"Just a game, jisoo, just a game" she says to herself as she calms down, inhaling and exhaling deeply, opening her eyes and looks back to her computer again.

She stalks her account, looking at the history and drops her head in her table, whining a little as she saw her losses.

"I'm not going to play with the two of them ever again" she groans, standing up and leaves her room, looking for something to eat before going back to her computer.

"Honey, are you done with homework?" She heard her mom said as she placed her headphones in her ear.

"Yup, I'm done!" She shouted back, eyes looking at her screen again.

Jisoo was an eighteen years old girl, who was obsessed with games but still won't forget to do her studies.

She has an older sister, irene who was already in college. They were completely different, irene has many friends and was a social person.

Jisoo, she was just locked up in her room, playing her games and the only person she calls friends are the two dummy players who was the reason why she loss every round.

Jisoo bit her bottom lip, not teaming up with her friends this round and just played with strangers.

A smile on her face as she felt they were winning, with mostly the help of another player who she was contacting with.

They were always next to each other everytime they'd kill, helping each other out, making jisoo happy at the taste of finally a victory after a long day of losing.

She clapped loudly and smiles, as soon as she saw the word victory. Her eyes dropping at the side a little, seeing a private message from a player.

Always: nice game, pikachu ;)

She chuckles lightly, eyebrows furrowed as she fixed her chair and replied.

Nice game too, always?.. :

Not to be mean, but why always? Are you a nerd? :

Always: oh wow, you have pikachu as your username nerd 🤷🏻‍♀️

Always: always is my favorite word, so you don't get to judge it.

Jisoo smiles a little, nodding her head as she thinks of what to reply.

I'm not judging it, i was just curious 😂 :

And pikachu is cute, and my fav so you don't get to judge it either :

Always: I wasn't judging, i also thought it was cute.

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