Thinking Of You (5)

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A week later

Jennie rested her back in her chair, sighing as she looks at her computer screen. Seulgi heard her and eyebrows furrowed as she also looks at jennies computer.

"jennie, you seriously have to stop" seulgi said, looking at jennie who looks disappointed at her screen.

She has been searching for jisoo, and the results wouldn't find anything, she kept checking the social media but it was gone.

Irene heard them and also looked, sighing "korea is big jennie, its hard to find her" she said and jennie sighs, biting her bottom lip.

"or, korea is small but the world is big. Maybe she's in another country" seulgi said and jennie looks at her, seems to have found an idea.

"have you even tried to go to her province?" irene asks and jennie turned her head, nodding at irene.

"yeah, i even tried to contact her family members but they didn't know" jennie said, frowning.

"are you really sure you're not related to her irene-ah? Maybe a tiny bit?" jennie asks, pouting a little. Irene chuckles at her cuteness and shakes her head.

"i told you we're not. She's a kim, I'm a bae jen" irene said and jennie sighs, picking up her phone to grab the picture of jisoo.

"seulgi look at this" jennie said and seulgi looked, jennie placed the picture besides irenes face and seulgi mouth agape.

"you two look very similar" seulgi said and jennie nodded in agreement, irene just sighs and went back to her work.

"jennie, if i know her i would've told you already." irene said and jennie just pressed her lips together, looking back at her screen.

"its been what? 4 years?" seulgi asks and jennie nods, "4 years since she's left jennie, you keep searching for her but you can't find her" seulgi added and jennie just closed her eyes..

"and if she's alive, she should be here finding you too" seulgi said and jennie suddenly opened her eyes, glaring a little at seulgi.

"babe" irene warned but seulgi looks at them innocently. "what? Im just saying"

"maybe she's already go--

"continue that sentence and i will end you" jennie warned, clenching her jaw in anger.

"you have to accept it" seulgi said back and jennie just scoffed, standing up to leave the two, heading to the rest room.


8 pm evening

Jennie stared at the tv, not really giving an interest on what they were watching. All she can think about is what seulgi said, the thought of jisoo gone.

She bit her bottom lip, not trying to cry as she looks away, hanbin noticed it and turn off the tv.

"you sleepy?" he asks and jennie just nods, he smiles wrapping her with a blanket.

"okay, i love you" he said and jennie just smiled, resting her body to the bed and closed her eyes.

Hanbin just looks at her, eyebrows furrowed, "you're really not saying it back?" he asks and jennie sighs, opening her eyes and rested her back at the headboard.

"what do you want me to do?" she said, not in the mood for anything. She had a bad day at work, all she wanted to do is sleep.

Atleast in her dreams she can see jisoo.

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