Mini Soda

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Request by Shay201457

Headcannon that SD gave Minnie the bottles and Minnie loved them and the Norda nickname from AnanaPanini

Minnesota stared at the broken glass on the floor.

One of his most prized possessions, shattered. By his boyfriend no less.

It had been a gift from South Dakota, a bunch of vintage soda bottles. It had started off as a joke, cause his name sounded like "Mini-soda". It was annoying at first, but overtime he had grown to love the trinkets, moving them to a special spot on his shelf and taking such great care of them.

And now they were broken.

He can't even remember what he and Norda had been arguing about.

There's a voice calling his name and he looks up to see his boyfriend, concern for him written all over his face. At least the bottles breaking had been an accident.

"Minnie? Are you ok? Look, I'm sorry ok, I can replace them for you."

He didn't respond yet, waiting for the inevitable.

"I don't even know why you would keep presents from that dick anyways. You know e did it to make fun of you, right?"

There it is, the insult.

He was just- so tired of all this, of constantly being wrapped up in the Dakota's little feud. And Norda being so blind to everything because of it. Minnesota doubted he would even get it, he was always annoyed that one of his most prized possessions came from his twin. These bottles couldn't just be replaced, the emotional value was attached to the originals.

"Can you not for one moment. Please."

North looked so thrown off by that, opening and shutting his mouth a few times, but ultimately doesn't say anything. So now he wants to be quiet.

"You can't even look past your feud for five seconds to see why this was even important to me! You can't just replace it like it was nothing!"


"Please just go find someone else to pick fights with until South comes back."

His boyfriend seemed frozen in the spot.


"Ok- Yep-" North runs out of the room, leaving Minnie to deal with the broken pieces of his prized collection.

Maybe he could glue it back together?

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