Regrets | DC x Louie

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"I loved you."

Three words. It was three words. Why did it have to hurt so bad.

Louie was standing across from DC, the evening sunlight highlighting his features. It was just another Saturday afternoon. It was sunny, and warm, and perfect.

It should've been perfect.

But things are rarely perfect when you fuck up so bad.

"Loved, past tense."

Louie spoke coldly. His face set in stone. So indifferent, not even a hint of emotion. Far different from his normal additude, or yesterday's.
No Louie was done with the tears.

He was done with DC too apparently.

Why'd he have to do it. He KNEW the consequences would hurt. He KNEW it would be bad, and some states might turn against him. He just never counted Louie as one. He didn't think it would hit him so personally.

"I love you. Present tense" he managed to choke out, voice shaking horribly. If only he hadn't done it he would be here right now. He reached out his hand, desperately searching the other's face for even the smallest trace of warmth.

"Future tense, whatever damn tense you want! Sweetheart, please.."

"So whatever that love was worth," Louie continued on, cold and dogged as ever. "Don't make this harder on yourself."

And with that, he walked away, leaving DC with his regrets.

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