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The sound of beeping filled my ears and I moaned as my head twisted around. I opened my eyes and jumped as I saw everyone staring at me, including Rachel and Remi. Kellen looked at me with an apologetic face and I swallowed hard.

"I'm glad to see you're awake." Mommy breathed as she walked over to the bed and kissed my forehead. Aunt Lina, Nina, Brianna, Kelly, Kathleen and Anna all surrounded the bed and gave me a warm group hug.

"Are you okay?" Aunt Kelly asked as she looked down at me. I nodded before rubbing my eyes.

"Why is everyone here? What happened?"

"You fainted at school. You were bleeding through your clothes. Like hemorrhaging. Everyone was scared." Kellen sniffed as he walked over to the bed.

"H-how long have I been out?"

"A few hours. We all just got here not too long ago." Rachel breathed. Everyone looked over at her confused and she looked around before sighing.

"We met at the birthday party. We exchanged numbers and grew pretty close." Rachel fibbed as she smiled.

"Yeah, I called them to come. Sorry if I stepped out of line." Kellen responded swiftly. I swallowed hard and watched as everyone looked around in silence.

"Miss. De Leon. How are you today?" The doctor asked as he walked in. He looked over the chart before looking around and smiling.

"Ah. Big family. If anyone who aren't her parents can step out, please." The doctor requested. Remi's eyes met mine and I looked away as they all walked out. Mommy, mama and I looked at each other before looking at the doctor who sighed and removed his glasses.

"So..your vitals show that you're extremely hypotensive. That could be from either sudden drug use or lots of blood loss. Based on your daughters blood work, it's the combination of both."

"What?! What drugs?!" Mommy hissed, causing all of us to jump. Mama shot her a look and rubbed her back.

"What drugs?" Mama asked.

"A heavy dose of ketamine."

"Why in the hell.." Mommy gritted through her teeth as she looked at me like I was crazy with dark green eyes. I swallowed hard.

"It was an accident."

"Disque accident. Explain. Now."

"I went to a party and accidentally took it." I realized my explanation didn't make anything better, mommy's face turning bright red as she looked down at the floor with wide eyes. I know she was probably stabbing me in her head and I couldn't help but feel afraid.

"And the blood loss?" Mama asked, her voice cracking slightly. I could tell she was trying to hold it together for mommy because her eyes were blood shot and she kept clenching her fists.

"So..another thing I wanted to discuss. While we did her intake, we checked for abrasions and any evidence of sexual assault and it was clear. So we tested her for pregnancy, and um. It came back positive, However-"

"What?! WHAT?! WHAT?!" Mommy screamed as she looked at mama and then at me, before looking at the door. Something flashed in her eyes and she ran out the door, mama chasing after her as she screamed her name. The doctor stared at me with a panicked face and I gasped as I heard a loud smack and a thud before a loud groan followed by the sound of glass breaking and people gasping and screaming. The sound of shoes scraping the floor and chairs scraping followed as if people were trying to move out of the way.



The voice sounded demonic, followed by a loud blood curling scream. Like something I never heard come out of my mother before. It was dark and rageful and it caused the doctor to run out. I watched as multiple security guards ran passed my room with their taser guns in their hands as blood curling screams filled the waiting room.

I always knew mommy had anger issues. Just never to what extent.

I slowly stood from my bed and walked over to the door to see mommy pinned onto the floor by the security guards that were shushing her and trying to calm her down. Her chest was moving rapidly up and down as she screamed against mama's hand and clawed toward Remi who was holding her face that poured with blood. She was sobbing as Rachel held her back. One side of her face was completely bruised while other bled terribly. Her parents were arguing amongst each other before looking over at Remi.

"Leave. NOW! And don't fùcking come back." Kathleen growled. I watched as Remi's eyes found mine and a tear streamed down her face before she turned and walked out of the hospital waiting room with Rachel.

Kathleen looked down at Mommy as she sobbed and held her face. Her hands were trembling and Anna tried to pull her back but she pulled away before glaring up at her.

"Go talk to your fucking child." She growled, causing Anna to sigh and walk away with a defeated look on her face.

"I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry. I didn't know, Steph. I didn't know I swear." Kathleen sobbed. Mommy was falling asleep on the floor, being lifted from the ground and placed on a gurney before being wheeled off by a group of nurses. She was handcuffed to the bed, glass shards on the floor along with blood and piles of paper.

"I'm so sorry, Leiya.." Kathleen sobbed as mama wrapped her arms around her. They both cried into each other's arms, everyone else watching them.

"Did you know about this?" Brianna asked Kellen, causing his eyes to widen. He didn't answer and Brianna scoffed before looking at Kelly who grabbed him by his ear and pulled him out of the waiting room.

"Ow, ow, ow.."

Aunt Lina and Nina surrounded Mama and Kathleen. They mentioned something about checking in on mommy and they nodded, leaving mama in the middle of the waiting room worn people staring. She had blood on her hands and shirt and I swallowed knowing it was Remi's.


I watched as she turned around, her angry eyes finding mine immediately and I shrunk back, scurrying back into the room and onto the bed. She walked into the room and shut the door before pulling the chair aggressively next to the bed and slumped down.

"You tell me every goddamn detail. Right now."

Lilith Anne (Urban Intelligence & blessant spin-off.) (GXG//INTERSEX\\)Where stories live. Discover now