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Haha. Happy ending. Haha.



"Okay so, you take this pill and it should help. Understand that you will feel cramping and if you feel any other symptoms, don't hesitate to call me or Rachel. The fee has already been covered so you're all good." Desiree grinned as she handed me the pill and a cup of water. I took the pill and gagged lowly before downing it with the entire bottle of water.

"Dinner?" Desiree asked Rachel as she caressed her cheek. She smirked and nodded before leaning in and pecking her lips softly.


"Come on. Remi's at the house. We have to make sure you eat and everything."

The last two weeks have been hell. After that night at Rachel's house, I felt myself grow weaker and weaker emotionally and physically. I kept Remi at a distance and I know it hurt her, but it was for the best. She still came over every night despite my protests, and we'd end up falling asleep together in my closet with her face in my stomach.

School has been annoying. I wanted nothing more than to kill everyone. I was nauseous and smelling all the B.O didn't help at all. Kellen managed to help me get through it and I was grateful.

Rachel and I grew acquainted during the last two weeks. She's been taking me to my ultrasound appointments after I told Remi I didn't want her to come. I told her it was because of my mama being famous in the medical field and that people would've spotted us together but in reality I didn't want her with me. I knew she was upset at the fact that I was getting an abortion and didn't want to feel guilty when she was around.

I was already feeling guilty for lying to my parents. They knew something was wrong because I wasn't eating and as social with them as I used to be. I stay in my room crying my eyes out or sleeping.

The ride to Rachel's house was quiet and I couldn't help but fall asleep. I felt uneasy and sick to my stomach, the cramping immediately starting a few minutes after I took the pill.

I woke up to Remi carrying inside and placing me on the couch before laying a cool rag on my forehead. I heard talks of a fever and me sweating. I was completely drenched in sweat, yet I felt cold.

"She needs to eat. She hasn't been eating." Remi whispered. I heard clanking and a loud sigh.

"Alright, well I'll give her what I have here but I need you to get up and do somethin. Make sure she has a ride home with someone that could stay with her like that cute boy that was here. Go to the store and buy her essentials. She's gonna need pads, ice packs, heating pads, and pain killers but not the addictive ones. Her like aspirin or somethin. A blood pressure kit to monitor her blood pressure because if she's not eatin she could be hypotensive. I'll write you a list. You have money?"

"Of course I do."

"Just making sure it didn't all go up your nose. Good. You're learning something from this. Here-" I heard a piece of paper rip and get folded.

"Get all this stuff. Call the boy tell him come now and to bring her some pizza and ice cream. I have to go shopping. For now I can give her some tea and saltines."

"Thank you, Rachel. Seriously."

"Boy, I am not doing this for you. I actually like her. Get it together and you'll see what you have in front of you. Now go on."

I heard footsteps come toward me and felt soft lips touch my cheek. The door opened and shut and I exhaled shakily as I rubbed my stomach.

"Damn, you really are burning up, hon. Here, sit up and drink this."

I sat up and took the cup from her hand and sniffed it, before pulling away with a disgusted look.

"It'll help. Drink, then we can smoke and chill til your friend gets here and your girl gets back."

"That's not my-"

"Oh please. Y'all are head over motherfuckin heels." She chuckled causing me to smirk. There was a knock on the door and she stood and opened it, Kellen's voice immediately filling my ears.

"My baby..I bought your favorites. I got chicken noodle soup..I got some snickerdoodle ice cream, and some candy. I also got some pedialyte popsicles."

"Shit, let me be your new best friend." Rachel scoffed playfully causing both of us to laugh.

"Girl, I'm down. It's all up to Lilly over here though."

"Shit, I'm down too. Fuck it-" I stopped when I gagged and emptied my stomach completely onto the white carpet, before covering my mouth as I looked up at Rachel who was already getting the steamer from the closet.

"It's okay, I knew it was gonna happen. The solutions already on the carpet." She chuckled as she started to clean the throw up. I moaned and leaned back, feeling Kellen massage my feet with his hands.

We all sat in silence as I rested my eyes, the coolness of the towel radiating through my body. I felt another wave of nausea hit me but I pressed it down with some water.

Remi came back and we all watched a movie as I ate my soup in silence. Kellen made sure Remi kept her distance and she noticed, her attitude evident in her face. Kellen and I ended up leaving after Rachel said she had to get ready for work before winking at me, letting me know that Desiree would be having her attention that night.

I supported her one hundred percent.

After I got home that night, Kellen explained to my parents that we ate while we were out and that he was going to stay over. Mommy had placed a hand on my forehead after saying I looked pale and I waved it off before walking up to my room and collapsing on my bed.

We were now in school in the cafeteria, Kellen speaking to his new friends as I ate my salad in silence, when a large pain ripped through my stomach. I gasped loudly, as I bent over, holding my stomach for dear life.

I heard people asking me if I was okay but it was muffled under the constant ringing that plagued my eardrums along with the sound of my heart beating rapidly in my chest.

And then everything went black.

Lilith Anne (Urban Intelligence & blessant spin-off.) (GXG//INTERSEX\\)Where stories live. Discover now