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Rachel in the MM. significant character.



"She's the only person I thought of that can help you. Besides..she was like my only friend." Remi chuckled sheepishly. I continued to pace back and forth in the living room before groaning and holding my forehead and stomach.

"Take a seat. If you vomit, Remi you clean that shit up." Rachel hissed before rolling her eyes and helping me sit down on the couch. The house was nicer on the inside, having beige walls and white couches. There was a white rug in the living room area that matched the couches, the furry beige pillows sitting on each corner of the long love seat. Large plants surrounded the room, calming me instantly.

There were bookshelves filled with novels and medical textbooks. She had pictures scattered on the shelves, one being a graduation photo. She smiled brightly as she held her degree in her hand. The degree was framed above her bookshelf, the bachelors and masters degree side by side.

She was the woman everyone wanted me to be.

"You want to keep it?" Rachel asked as she sat next to me and grabbed a tray from the table. She handed me a glass of water before grabbing the weed from the tray and starting to crush it.


I heard Remi sigh and Rachel sucked her teeth before glaring up at her.

"Well what answer did you expect, Remi? She's just a fùcking kid."

"No the fuck she's not bro." Remi hissed in response.

"But in this situation, she is! You told me she can't go to her parents. Why? Because she's a fùcking kid. You fucked up bro and if you want my help don't expect me to be nice to you at all. Not only did you drop me for her, but now you fucked up and need my help. It's not her fault if she doesn't want to have a baby, Remi. I didn't!" Rachel exclaimed as she flared her hands slightly. I gasped and looked over at Remi who was looking up at me with a broken look and I scoffed.

"She got you pregnant?" I asked Rachel as I looked up at her with teary eyes. Rachel scoffed as she rolled her blunt, shaking her head with a sad smirk on her face.

"Damn, you didn't tell her? Yeah, she did. Twice."

I laughed humorlessly and looked over at Remi with a look of utter disbelief. Remi was crying and she stood up but I shook my head before standing and walking out of the house. I heard yelling coming from inside and I sniffed as I sat down on the steps.

The cool air soothed my stomach as I leaned my head against the wooden railing. I closed my eyes and let out a breath as the tears continued to stream down my face.

"What am I gonna do?" I whispered, before sniffing as I laid my head on my knee. I felt embarrassed and disgusted. She made a fool out of me. I felt completely betrayed.

I thought shit was sweet but this whole time it was a complete joke. Rachel was right before and she's right now. I'm nothing but a kid who thought shit would change for me. A little crush that blew out of proportion.

And now here I am.

I heard the door open and sighed as Rachel sat down on the steps next to me. We sat in silence for a second as she smoked before nudging me and handing it over.

"Helps with the nausea a ton. Better than that anti-nausea shit." She hummed. I smiled appreciatively at her before taking the blunt and inhaling.

"I see what you see in Remi too, you know? Potential. A whole lot. But sometimes we have to learn when to accept that some things are inevitable." She stated swiftly.

"The thing is there was a change-"

"I know. I saw it. She stopped doing coke, stopped partying. She stopped doing all the shit I tried to get her to stop for the last five years. You had more of a breakthrough than me. Trust me." She chuckled before letting out a shaky breath.

"First pregnancy I was twenty, she was eighteen. Like she is now, she wanted to keep it. Said she'll make due, saved up all her drug money to support us. My parents were never really around so it wasn't really an issue with that. Her parents never knew, though. She would come to the little spot I managed to get myself and we would talk about baby names, all that. But I ended up losing the baby a few weeks after. I had a terrible miscarriage and we were both devastated.

I think that's the worst I've seen Remi. She was hopeless. She became dark, started cheating. Weed turned into pills, and then she stumbled onto coke and shit was never the same since. She always told me she would change, and would at first but then started becoming sneaky, but I stayed. Lost a ton of weight, started doing drugs. Almost dropped out of college, but I didn't thankfully. I learned to detach from her emotionally overtime. Started to build myself up again, working two jobs and coming home to her asleep or not even being there at all. I got used to it, but then I got pregnant again.

I told her about it and she was ecstatic, but still didn't change. Still cheating, doing drugs, not doing anything to show she was ready. So I got an abortion."

The tears were streaming down my face as I took another hit from the blunt before passing it to her. I felt lied to and angry at Remi for allowing me to have such a bad interpretation of Rachel when in reality it was Remi who blinded me this whole time.

"I'm not sayin this to make you criticize her. I'm not saying that shit won't change..But if you want to be with her, prepare yourself. Prepare yourself for disappointment, good times and bad times. But don't have this baby. I'll tell you that. Anything goes wrong and she leaves you in the dust, I don't need you taking it out on the kid cause you can't take it out on her. And I don't need you not having a life of your own to fall back on when you get your head out of the gutter."

Lilith Anne (Urban Intelligence & blessant spin-off.) (GXG//INTERSEX\\)Where stories live. Discover now